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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. HaHa. Nope. I only have my first and only pair of SONARWORKS profiled HD650. Have not even needed to replace the pads yet. Now my 10 year old HD600s, I've replaced the pads and foam liners once. When I did I also bought a second pair of pads and liners to keep on deck.
  2. Mine are still in good shape and I bought them about three years ago.
  3. Yes, IMO, but what the heck do I know? ? Seriously I only use them as a backup if HD 650's are not giving me what I think I should get.
  4. Fizzy Pickle (link in my signature) did a cover of this choon recently.
  5. Great product, not so great discount tho.
  6. I had to turn my hearing aids up to 11. Wish they had up to 20.
  7. I bought that album the day it came out.
  8. Imma waitin' on 90% off DeEss or buy 1 get two free. The new SSL Download Manager & the iLok Manager accurately show I don't own 5 of the SSL plugins. Meter, 4KB, SubGen, Blitzer & DeEss. All I want for Christmas is the DeEss, but if buy one get two free goes into effect I'd do DeEss, SubGen and Blitzer. Then wait for 4KB sale of $99.
  9. So good is that why I bought two in the past (of course was 'by mistake')?
  10. Greta Farts On Greta
  11. $1279.34 is my "complete your bundle" price. That's ~$315 each for the four I don't own* Pass. I'll wait for the $29.99 sale. *I own Albion One and Albion Colossus.
  12. Nope. I suspect it was for a new purchase only, not upgrade.
  13. Peurile .................... me likey
  14. For me, upgrade is $90 which gets me Wasted Space and The Cpmpressor Collection ($172 are my upgrades prices for those two). Coming Soon..... Installed!
  15. (Albion One & Abbey Road One, previously installed!) Pass
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