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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Picked these up today. Enjoy your $2.99 royalty Craig. ?
  2. I guess you did not see the first reply (by me)? Yes they are good plugins, especially for the price.
  3. They make some nice plugs for pretty cheap.
  4. ...post buffoonery now? In Am of course. See how I made it music related?
  5. I try not to pay attention to others bell ends.
  6. No, your post implied that you believed you should only be using SONAR/Cakewalk but the Forum header *does not* say that.
  7. I have licenses for: Cakewalk, SONAR Platinum, Reaper 5.x, Mixbus/32C 5.x, Studio One Pro 4.5, Samplitude 3, Mixcraft 8 & now Cubase 10 (not yet registered, waiting on a serial # & e-licenser). I regularly use Cakewalk, Studio One Pro 4.5 & MIxbus 32C. I'm not a fan of Samplitude & MIxcraft and so when I had to rebuild my C drive I chose not to install those.
  8. SONGS Post links to your songs, share and discuss.
  9. She's not wearing a bikini so that was a good call Craig.
  10. Nope. Those were the sides. To balance out the becan burger with double becan hold the burger.
  11. Worst case I can re-sell it later.
  12. Couldn't resist. Have to see what all the hubbub is about. ?
  13. Well IIRC measure 39 is only 3 of four hits. Pffft.
  14. Wait.... the brain has two sides? I'll take fries and coleslaw please.
  15. Bapu

    ARA 2 Apps

    I have had good results where multiple BGV tracks needed to be more tightly aligned to the lead vocal track using Revoice Pro. But I do still use Melodyne Studio too.
  16. I got a fever today. Not too bad (101.6) bu I also have the shakes.
  17. With your user of werds Straummy all I can say is "Baby You're A Rich Man".
  18. What do you mean by "4.5 update yet again blew off third party support (Native Instruments, iZotope RX, etc...)"?
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