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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I have a friend who says the problem with our/my name is that it's so short that just about the time you start to say it, it's over.
  2. Bapu


    I picked up the last two items to finish off the "complete bundle". It was $140 in retail value, first discounted because of all I own, then knocked down to $43 with the coupon code. Score!
  3. I herd he's a W.A.N.K.E.R. Would Anyone Not Know Ed, Really?
  4. And what Am I, chopped liver?
  5. I just spent all I could on Gear Credits, and now I'm left with a new batch of $43 Jampoints. It's a vicious cycle I tell ya. On the plus side with the 67 Jampoints I got 300 Gear credits for $158 in cash. Not too shabby if they can be use down the road for something worthwhile. The only stuff I don't own in the Custom shop is the Sample Tank Extras; none of which I am interested in because of the genre or wha I already have covered elsewhere..
  6. I had $52 in Jampoints (before I purchased MIDI Drum). I got an email today that said they will expire on July 1. Now I have $82 and nothing left to buy (since I own every VST and VSTi they make). I'm mildly interested n AXE IO but not desperate for it. $349.99 - $82 = $267.99. Hardly worth the effort. And... not sure what I really get with that since I rarely play guitar with the "virtual bands" I'm in.
  7. Ewe dinnit look my way. ? Tis pre-ordered by this "old timer".
  8. Oh I'll get it for sure. All my IK collection would be lonely without it.
  9. Looks like you can't use JamPointz. Since I own MODO Bass it's $149.00 but I have $52 in JamPointz I'd like to use.
  10. Meng has said repeatedly that CbB will *always* be free. For now I'm going to continue with that belief.
  11. This Thursday, June 20, 2019, we are announcing our newest musical breakthrough to date! Check out this quick teaser video and let us know what you think it will be from the clues in the video!
  12. With my Time+Space loyalty point$ I got it for $120.73.
  13. Straummy, you've got hair on your back? Me two!
  14. I pretty much have all the toy$ I need. Hope my grown, and out of the house, children can somehow give me (more) time to use them.?
  15. I did an upgrade of four computers from Win 7 x64 Pro to Win 10 x64 Pro (for free back when). I clean installed two computer with Win 10. One of which was an upgraded computer that had a C:\ hard drive crash after a power failure (would not boot). That was my DAW (?). If you know anything about my DAW it has miles and miles of plugs and libraries. It truly took nearly two weeks installing everything but it also allowed me to discard two DAW product I got as crossgrades in the dark days after SONAR's development was stopped (MIxcraft & Samplitube).
  16. Acer what you did there.
  17. Said the Farmer in the Dell.
  18. ...my computer is like a rotten apple.", Mac told Lisa.
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