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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Yup, I got the email. Yay!!!! Now how about a "to the top" of the page floating icon. ?
  2. FYI I just marked this as as following......
  3. Not to be snarky but Anderton has already said what BandLab's other revenue streams are (more than once).
  4. Different beasts imo. Still pretty good.
  5. There is no typical chain nowadays. Changes with the wind and the song.
  6. My lawyers are on it. Just as soon as I make the retainer fee check good.
  7. I have all but 2 instruments (the latest 2 basses). I'm for those. If it's gets to 60% (usually does) they'll cost me about $40 each with my orange slices.
  8. This needs to stay at the top of the heap if I'm ever to get 60% off.
  9. I'm on the eastern end of Ventura County at the 101 Freeway. We rolled now I need to rock.
  10. My price is $999 for 14 plugs I don't own. 3 of which I have native versions of. And a few I don't really care abut. So it's not really all that great of a deal for me.
  11. I wasn't aiming for you David.
  12. Umm it's plectrum Straummy, but not as funny I know. I'll get me coat.
  13. Oh to be that thin white dukde again...…
  14. Works perfectly. PM for co$t details.
  15. Laurie Petty (Tank Girl, League of Their Own & Orange Is The New Black)
  16. I've been told I was banal at songwriting, production, bass and vocals. All along I thought I was atrocious. Yay for me.
  17. That post reminds me of my own attempts at humor. BTW, Bill frequently posted 'weakly' not 'weekly' apologies.
  18. That post reminds me of Bayoubill's weakly apology.
  19. I do that every day. For no damn reason.
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