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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Not my Alembic for shure
  2. Yeah, even Alembic ships with crappy strings.
  3. The day the music REALLY died? I.e. disco was created
  4. Sounds purely medieval.
  5. Pedro wrote his first poem?
  6. Never been to a Jethro Tull concert?
  7. Bapu


    I dont got becanasia. I got becanusa.
  8. USA, California, Ventura County, Thousand Oaks (in a van by the river)
  9. Argh, and here I thought this was the 21st Century where Software Lib developers knew about multiple drive setups. ?
  10. Seriously. Not in that "can". I just orders some Sonarworks precise tunes Sennheiser HD598 cans to mix with. I find the ATH-50s really nice to track to but kind of tight on the head (cue Paulo with the big head jokes) to mix with even using Sonarworks. I love my HD600s so these HD598s should be a close as I can get. 300 samallions with shipping. Hope to them soon. I have a dedicated 2nd headphone out on my RME that I plan to send a "mix" to where Sonarwork will reside with the HD598 profile they send with the cans.
  11. Really??!!?? Did I miss the option to store the "samples/pak" files where I wanted them? sooooooooooo can I relocate the 10+gb of .pak file to my samples drive?
  12. I've been in the rabbit hole for over 10 years now.
  13. Plus I got a few more plugins in the vintage bundle. yay.
  14. Minus the coupons I had in my hidey hole.
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