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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Today's (zoom) Business Attire?
  2. Serials awaits for me for everything February.
  3. I don't get that. Maybe it's "just you", paulo?
  4. So, after installing the latest versions, if I want to use your plugins in Cakewalk I would need to revert, but if I want to use any of my other DAWs with the new features after using Cakewalk I would then have to re-install the latest. ? Here's hoping you solve that issue right quick.
  5. Bapu

    SSL 4K E review

    Only because it's included in my Slate Subscription which folded in the SSL subscription (for free).
  6. We'll call you hobo #1.
  7. You just inspired me to start a new band.
  8. I have all I want or possibly will ever need from Spitfire Labs.
  9. I see men everywhere. i.e. no ladies in the CH
  10. @jngnz please define the ridiculously expensive "holy grail" ones
  11. Nice to know there is a new king in town. I yield to the gentleman above,
  12. I hope the Navy adopts that name. If there was a public vote on a name John Oliver would marshal his fans to vote for it. Case in point: John Oliver, a British-American comedian and talk show host, campaigned for the Australasian crested grebe or pūteketeke to win New Zealand’s Bird of the Century contest. The pūteketeke is a diving water bird with a slim neck, sharp beak, and an orange mullet. It is known for carrying its young on its back, sharing chick-rearing responsibilities, and eating its own feathers to induce vomiting as a method to expel parasites The bird has a chorus of grunts, growls, and barks and engages in an elaborate set of mating dances, including the “w*e*e*d dance” where the birds offer each other water w*e*e*d and the “ghostly penguin” where they rise chest to chest. John Oliver’s campaign included buying up billboards in New Zealand, Japan, France, the UK, India, and the US state of Wisconsin. A plane with a pūteketeke campaign banner also flew over the beaches of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. His campaign caused a surge of votes and donations for the contest, as well as some controversy among local bird lovers who prefer other native species. The competition, run by environmental organization Forest & Bird, normally attracts just under 60,000 votes, but this year those figures leapt to 350,000 across 195 countries, with 290,374 of those going to the pūteketeke 3. The pūteketeke was crowned New Zealand’s bird of the century winner after the competition was inundated with votes, following Oliver’s announcement during an episode of Last Week Tonight in the US, that he was appointing himself the official campaign manager for the pūteketeke. Sheesh! The word W.E.E.D. (without the periods) is a no-no word?
  13. Cover was pretty darn good John.
  14. You want cheesy? A whole move about a kid who played one time for like 5 minutes and is lauded like a hero. Is America a great country or what?
  15. I was told Marc Daniel Nelson has golden ears but here is the real evidence to the contrary. For those unfamiliar..... See? His ears are kinda red.
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