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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. perfectly enunciated nouns in space such as ****
  2. So you only use Avid plugins when you run ProTools? ?
  3. I geological time, you're spot on, Nigel. ?
  4. Where I'm Bapuenough!
  5. Was released on the 6th. And on the 6th...... Installed!
  6. A December Bride then?
  7. No one, and I mean no one wants to see me in person. End of. ?
  8. 11 + 60 = 70???? See? Becan it is.
  9. man oh man, look at those HUGH computer monitors!
  10. I didn't see The Rolling Stones live until 2002. I've only ever seen Macca and Ringo live (not together).
  11. Off brand wireless price range is ~ $159, name brand wireless mid range is $300-$500. Top shelf range is $1000. Fender 30 foot guitar cable $43 ?
  12. More importantly, 60 years ago today The Beatles landed in America for their first tour. I turned 11 years old that day. Two days later they appeared on National Television (Ed Sullivan).
  13. I'm just not into the "synth" stuff in their offerings.
  14. I already had P42, but today I added P44, P440, P11 and Lunar Landing. So...... Installed!
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