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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I get that Tom. I see the 6 packs not so much as discount route (although they still are at $18/per vs $14/per of days gone by) but as a quicker way to get the products to my DAW. Prolly silly, but that's who I am (as The Lovely Lady will tell ya).
  2. I get it but kind of a turn off. Not a deal breaker though. ?
  3. The details is in the weeds.
  4. I gotta start playing with my ToneHub subscription.
  5. RIP even though at times you were a real Dickey. Ooooof, too soon?
  6. Freakin' Expletive Doesn't Even Xist.
  7. As a plugged-in member I gave them $9/mo ($108/yr) and typically got 1-2 new plugins per year (call it $50 total value) and the latest Mixbus and Mixbus32C free from v4 through v10 for free. Now I join the ranks of just paying for MIxbus Pro version updates as I am on the SSL subscription, which includes all Harrison and Slate plugins. I'm sure they up the sub price one day (I venture to say it will happen in 2025) but for now I pay the $14.99/mo that I was originally paying for only the Slate sub.
  8. As Beepster used to say: "That suxor"
  9. As a (soon to be discontinued) Mixbus Plugged-In Member I got Mixbus 10 Pro for free (as well as many other plugins for free along the way over the years). and........ Installed!
  10. How that guy sings so loud whiffout a mike?
  11. 100% off for me. Already owned them all. Hence...... (previously) Installed!
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