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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I have the ML-1, but I actually have not used it yet. IIRC I got it for $399. I also own all the packs for it. This is just one of those "mic locker" things to have on hand. My AEA R84 serves my vocal needs. Maybe one day I'll sing (sic) into both and test out the mic packs. I also have the Townsend Labs Sphere that I use a stereo room mic when I record live drums.
  2. (already) Installed! ?
  3. They delivered my ToneX pedal today.
  4. Many moons ago I get each of the two products for a Benjamin each, but that was an extremely rare outlier case. I'd say if that is the sound you're after, it's a good price.
  5. It's part of the SSL Complete subscription. So..... Installed!
  6. To quoth the Bapu..... (Composer Cloud) Installed!
  7. Can't wait to hear what you come up with aster such a long hiatus. What DAW and interface will you be using? Not that it really matters, I'm just curious.
  8. Not that it was pristine. I have the covered up version with the travelling trunk. I had to soak it in hot water to remove which in turn warped the sleeve so I just hung it up in my room. That was when I lived at home with parents. It got tossed when I got married and moved out.
  9. Wink wink, nod nod, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more, Yan (see my updated sig)
  10. Not jazzed? That 'word' in the states has quite a different meaning unless that's what you meant.
  11. I demo'd it. I was $120 underwhelmed, IOW when it's $29 I may pick it up.
  12. I won't know until I decide to use it. Which may be never. ?
  13. Download at 10MB/sec took about 4 minutes. Installed!
  14. This is the cheeziest thread I've seen here in a long time.
  15. Note to self: Don't sneak up and scare Byron whilst his hands are in his pocket.
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