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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I think literally *EVERYBODY* should do that. That'll teach Microsoft to not mess with its users.
  2. I'm in the late 60s for another 15 months and 10 days (wink wink nudge nudge) Hoping y'all will take up a collection so I can finally have one of these: Unique 4 string bass. Collector's vintage item early 70s
  3. I got a while back (at 49.99 IIRC). Great tool.
  4. Strongest point? Weakest point?
  5. We're not smokers (unless you are talkin about my bass playing and then I'm def not a smoker). Nor has anyone ever smoked in our house. I'll take oiled and re-lubed any day of the week. IJS.
  6. We just wanted to pull a few out for the car... woe is me.
  7. We have a 300 that won't carousel any more. Gotta find a repair shop.
  8. Sounds like a drunk tune up session. In a good way of course.
  9. Disclaimer: that's not my rig
  10. Finally go the Mac working. After installing latest License Manager and logging out and logging back in. What a pain in the Mac a.$.$.
  11. Nope. Same message. At least for now the PC version is working.
  12. Installed. 4 more updates to drum MIDI too.
  13. PC install was flawless. Mac install was OK but now License Manager says "server was unable to process the request try again shortly"
  14. Paulo won't like it, transport at the bottom is a major turn off for him.
  15. 1. Cicadas 2. Self Imposed ban 3. He zipped up all his messages to help save space for Bandlab 4. IDK
  16. Bapu


    Fycksed for you me old mucker
  17. But this year with the Supply Chain issues..... not so much throwing eggs and flour, we need our pannie-cakes in the mornin'.
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