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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. "I recently bought a fretless bass, and decided to record "Bright Size Life" to demo it. Bass and guitar parts performed & recorded live in a very old version of Cakewalk Sonar, while capturing the video on probably the cheapest device imaginable. Drums performed later in multiple passes on a keyboard controller. Enjoy the grumpy concentration face, which is kind of my go-to."
  2. Bapu

    November Jam

    I like the tones. Not a bad jam either.
  3. The AAMS version is a little less 'cloudy' to me. I like it more than the first version.
  4. Bapu

    On The Run

    Nice song Douglas. Backing harmonies were very good. Classic rock groove and message. A+ from me on the mix.
  5. I enjoyed all three parts of Get Back. It brought back so many memories of bands I was in. Ringo being bored while the lads worked out arrangements. Been there and seen that in my band. The buffonery with lyrics and such. Been there and done that too. For me the biggest payoff was watching the song Get Back come into existence from Macca just strumming on the bass and mumbling some lyric ideas. And then later he and John working out lyrics by just spit balling ideas about Arizona and California/grass.
  6. Shiny new toys always seem different until they're not.
  7. Actually I have 2 P-Basses and an Alem..... never mind But, yes I do have an Acoustic 360 VST ?
  8. My BF objective is to (try and) curb my purchases in 2022 to almost $0.00. Except for ToonTrack products where I typically buy kits on release (sometimes I get to use prepaid MIDI serials for EZD, EZK, and I still have 2 EZM serials as well. I even have one prepaid EZKeys expansion serial. As of today I own the full ToonTrack line. I might buy the odd sample library if it's really unique.
  9. Bapu, Ron Houle and Chas Sandford at the outdoor stage of the Venice Beach Pavilion 1971 (we called ourselves Babylon)
  10. Not to me, because the final result of these sessions was an album called Let It Be that was actually released *after* Abbey Road (which had not been recorded yet). What the film reveals to me is how the inner workings of the collaborative writing process can be fragile and awe inspiring at the same time. Bands can be tough even in the best of times. Paul was obviously a 'better' songwriter but I've always liked John's songs more. George came into his own after The Beatles and Ringo is simply kind hearted Peace & Love Ringo.
  11. No Spectrasoncs No Sampletekk No Rob Papen Very little Bias FX Just a little Spitfire Very little Ample Sound
  12. A lot more than you may think. ?
  13. Bapu

    UAD Question

    I really don't know, but I suspect you may get another one. But TBH I've never done that. But as I said I had one thank you and two promo vouchers at one time (but only once in the last 14 years).
  14. Bapu

    UAD Question

    You can stack vouchers. I've done as many as three before. Pretty hard to come by that many at a time though.
  15. My current target candidates are: EQ 200 and Warble not allowed in the current "any plugin $29.99" After these 5 I'm pretty well tapped out on wanting much from PA until something new comes along and of course on sale for $30, $40 or $50.
  16. Year round sale prices are the new retail.
  17. Back to the OP... these are not your fathers doorbuster BF sales.
  18. Mine too, but I think she was referring to me.
  19. When will the next MEGA sale be? And what are the usual prices then? I've got a $249 voucher burning a hole in my pocket.
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