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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Same here for me Lars.
  2. I just texted Mooch. Let's see if he answers me.
  3. I visited him once (when he was single) and I was in his wedding party when he got married.
  4. Wasn't all that impressed with Neural Q. Anyone have any others from them? Are they game changers?
  5. Mr. T, I just turned 69 in Feb of 2022 and I still make music with the virtual band Citizen Regen. I strive to get the best mixes/masters I can but I'm 100% sure they are not professional level and may never be. I personally don't do social media but our singer Ken posts our songs on FB. When a song is done I have three music related friends I give the Soundcloud link to. We also post here in the Songs Forum (as Citizen Regen). We get a few positive comments and occasional suggestions/thoughts about the songs. And after a few weeks those songs pass into oblivion. We posted our first batch of songs as an album to Spotify/iTunes/Apple Music just because we could not because we expected to become aged rock stars. So, I'll continue to do what I do as long as my bandmates will have me. As for you, whose to say if you should continue or call it day.
  6. You and me Bub (erm Shane) , you and me.
  7. My left Ossicles is nearly gone from an inner ear infection. I've had two operations on the left side and after the last one my Dr. told me she was going to just rip out the remains but decided to leave it in and it's a miricle that I can actually hear at all. That was 30 years ago. All things considered I am grateful for what little I can hear on that side. As the saying goes I'm nearly deaf in one ear and can't hear sh!te in the other.
  8. Who's to say when it actually starts and ends? Do the musicians play something before and after it? What device is used to measure the time? A Casio watch or an atomic clock?
  9. Cut-n-pasted from the web, so go ask them. ?
  10. Here are 25 Kickass and Interesting Facts About Music. 1. Garth Brooks is one of the last holdout big-name musicians who still refuses to put his music on iTunes because he disagrees with Apple’s approach to selling music. He will make his back catalog of hits and his new music available for download, but only through his own website. 2. Between 2005-2007, Sony BMG used music cds to illegally install rootkits on user computers to prevent them from ripping copyrighted music. The rootkits themselves apparently infringed copyright by failing to adhere to the licensing requirements of various pieces of open-source software whose code was used in the program. 3. Hitchcock didn’t want music in Psycho’s shower scene. He practically doubled composer Bernard Herrmann’s salary after seeing the scene with music. 4. Some of the original Playstation 1 games had the game music set as CD audio, meaning you could listen to the game music from a normal CD player. Some games contained hidden tracks that could only be accessed this way. 5. Classical and heavy metal music both attracts listeners with similar personalities but dissimilar ages. Younger members apparently go for heavy metal, while their older counterparts prefer classical. However, both have the same basic motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a shared “love of the grandiose, 6. Famed jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt was in Paris during the ***** occupation. Despite being a gypsy, handicapped, a player of a banned music style, and a known friend of blacks and Jews, the Germans left him alone because some higher ***** officers were huge fans of his music. 7. Musician Beck’s last album was released only in sheet music form, for others to interpret. No cd’s, no digital download, just sheet music. 8. In retail stores slow music is played to keep you shopping and spend more. In restaurants fast music is played to speed up turnaround. 9. Eye movement in music reading is an extremely complex phenomenon that involves a number of unresolved issues in psychology. Despite some 30 studies in this area over the past 70 years, little is known about the underlying patterns of eye movement in music reading. 10. On the one-year anniversary of the Curiosity rover’s landing on Mars, it played “Happy Birthday” to itself making “Happy Birthday” the first song and Curiosity the first device used to play music on a foreign planet. 11. In 2006, VH1 Classic ran fundraiser for Hurricane Katrina relief in which viewers could donate $25 to see the music video of their choice. One viewer donated $35, 000. The viewer could have selected an hour’s worth of music videos from the 1960s through the early 1990s. However, they chose something different for his allotted hour, requesting continuous playing of 99 Luftballons. 12. In 2008, an Ohio man named Andrew Vactor was sentenced to listening to classical music by the likes of Bach, Beethoven and Chopin for 20 hours, after being caught for playing rap music too loud, as an alternative to paying a full fine of $150. He only lasted 15 minutes before leaving. 13. Actor Mel Brooks was a combat engineer during the Battle of the Bulge. When the Germans played propaganda recordings over loudspeakers, Brooks responded by setting up his own sound system and played music by Al Jolson, a Jewish musician. 14. Florida passed a law requiring toddlers in state-run schools to listen to classical music every day, and in 1998 the governor of Georgia budgeted $105,000 per year to provide every child born in Georgia with a tape or CD of classical music. 15. A McDonald’s in Mount Annan, Sydney Austrailia has been playing classical music on purpose to force teenagers off of its premises at late night. 16. Hans Zimmer, the composer/producer for over 150 movies, including The Lion King, Gladiator, all Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Pearl Harbor, Rush, Inception, the Dark Knight, etc.; had only 2 weeks of formal music education (piano lessons as a child). 17. Beethoven won a sight reading piano competition by turning his sheet music upside down, playing it, then improvising on one of its themes for thirty minutes. His opponent, Daniel Steibelt, never returned to challenge him again. 18. Police in Belfast, Northern Ireland used music from ice cream van to calm angry teen rioters. 19. There is a music piece called “As Slow as Possible” which started in 2001 and has a duration of 639 years. It can take years for a single note to be played. 20. In 2008, Warner Music Group was collecting over $5,000 a day ($2 million a year) in royalties for public usage of the “Happy Birthday” song. They have been known to charge up to $10,000 for usage of the song in film. This is also why restaurants have their own birthday songs when you visit. 21. The chills you get when listening to music are caused by the release of dopamine in your body. 22. The US military would play Enter Sandman for hours on end to aid in the interrogation and torture of prisoners. When asked about this, Metallica’s James Hetfield responded “We’ve been punishing our parents, our wives, our loved ones with this music forever. Why should the Iraqis be any different?” 23. When Beethoven went deaf, he composed his music by hacking the legs off his piano and sitting on the floor so he could feel the vibrations. 24. A Sea Organ in Croatia continuously plays music powered by waves that flow through tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps. 25. The song Miserere was composed by Gregorio Allegri during the reign of Pope Urban VIII, probably during the 1630s for use in the Sistine Chapel. At some point, it became forbidden to transcribe the music and it was allowed to be performed only at some particular services, thus adding to the mystery surrounding it. Writing it down or performing it elsewhere was punishable by excommunication. The 14-year-old Mozart listened to the piece two times, transcribed it from memory, and produced the first unauthorized copy of the song. 26. Bapu thinks his Alembic bass is a secret.
  11. 20 weird and wonderful facts about music Think you know everything there is to know about music? Prepare to be blown away as we take a look at some of the most interesting, unbelievable facts about musicians and the music industry. 1. One in five country music songs refer to alcohol, one in three to tears and one in seven to “mama”. 2. Not a single member of the Beatles could read or write music. 3. The most expensive instrument in the world is the “Lady Blunt” Stradivarius violin, which sold in 2011 for US$15.9 million. 4. A 2007 study found that music, classical in particular, can help make plants grow faster. 5. Barry Manilow didn’t write the song called “I Write the Songs” 6. In 2008, researchers discovered that loud music makes customers in bars drink more alcohol in less time. 7. Leo Fender, the founder of the iconic electric guitar and bass brand and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, never learned to play either instrument. 8. In 2015, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield released the first ever album recorded entirely in space, named Space Sessions: Songs from a Tin Can. 9. For every US$1,000 of music sold, the average musician only makes about US$23.40. 10. The first (and only) band to play on all seven continents is Metallica. 11. In “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Freddie Mercury plays on the very same piano used by Paul McCartney in “Hey Jude”. 12. Music, along with painting, poetry, literature and architecture, was Olympic event from 1912 until 1948. 13. Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé in 2016. 14. When you listen to music, the brain releases the same feel-good hormone (dopamine) it does during ***** and eating. 15. In 1952, American composer John Cage created a song titled “4’44”. It consisted of four minutes and 33 seconds of silence. 16. The longest song title ever is Hoagy Carmichael’s 1943 “I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin' Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues.” 17. There are more people in Monaco’s orchestra than in its army. 18. Bryan Adams photographed The Queen for a Canadian postal stamp commemorating Her Majesty’s Golden Jubilee. 19. A 2001 study found that cows produce more milk when listening to relaxing moo-sic (sorry, we couldn’t resist!). 20. In the US in 2005, vinyl record sales only reached US$35 million. In 2015, sales had exploded to $416 million. 21. Bapu has an Alembic Series I bass.
  12. Hmmmmm I got my code to redeem at BOZ but it doesn't work. I'll give it a few hours before I biatch to CS. Got it sorted. It was human error on my part.
  13. They gave an extra $1.71 off. I had $3.55 in deluxe bucks. Net price $11.84. Schweeeeet!
  14. You may need "pain killer" that day?
  15. Well, you could have deleted all your text and just linked to Yan's thread. Simples.
  16. $25 for generic EZBass MIDI Serial (down $1 from last week) HERE (Thomannmuisic)
  17. From there you only select what you want to install. Simples.
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