SketchCassette II - Aberrant DSP
Inspired by 4-track cassette recorders, SketchCassette II is designed to introduce a wide array of lo-fi effects into your mixes. From subtle warble to unearthed-from-the-attic destruction, SketchCassette II unlocks the full range of cheap tape sounds, while also offering the flexibility and control to push your sounds even further into total lofi weirdness.
ever heard the phrase "have your cake and eat it too" ?
these is no rule (that I know of) that says you can't buy two things on sale at the same time. ?
Nor me. But since it's only good through 1 June 2022 it would do me no good because I already own everything TT and I have prepaid serials that get me any new releases for (what feels like) free.