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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Bapu

    smart:comp 2

    I only have smart:limit and my price is € 65 but € 57.14 at checkout too
  2. That would be perfect for a simultaneous endoscopy/colonoscopy.
  3. It's also what Warren Huart's "Produce Like a Pro" does with the multi-tracks he provides for members to mix. And Steven Slate too. So yeah.... industry standard.
  4. I'm not sure I see the *need* for collaborators to be on the same DAW. Citizen Regen has two members recording in Studio One, one in CbB, one in Ableton, and one in Reaper (he used to use Digital Performer). It's never hindered us. Why? All members transfer full length 24/48 wav/flac files. We don't need DAW specific project/song files to get the collab done.
  5. He's hawking his copy of Studio One on the corner 12th Street and Vine.
  6. Using those MIDI packs are destined as demo parts for a song where applicable. Ultimately replaced by real players. ?
  7. It's catchy in a good way mate, not like an STD. ?
  8. I like their implementation of Arranger track over CbB. There is no finalization process like CbB it's more WYSIWG. I like the chord track when used properly. Works best on clean guitars (over distorted guitars), clean piano or organ and vocals (i,e. pre FX). I prefer the "put a bus anywhere you want in the mixer and that a bus can also be a folder in the mixer. Don't need to see the vocals tracks, collapse them. The built in Monitor 2Bus that can contain ARC or SONARWORKS or Slate's VSX is nifty too. And not interfere with your mixdown. Again, all this "works for me". FYI, my MIDI usage is limited, I'm not a synth or orchestrator guy, so their MIDI implementation is enough for me.
  9. As is said many times here and all over the internet, "use what works best for you" and I'll add "there really is no 'superior' DAW" Having used CbB, Reaper, Studio One, ProTools, Cubase, Harrison Mixbus 32C, Samplitude, Mixcraft , Digital Performer, Logic and Reaosn the question, to me, is not which is superior, but features work best for me. As of today, I'm most comfortable in Studio One.
  10. Bapu

    QUEEN Drums

    If I use these drums will I sing like Freddy? ?
  11. As a programmer, I can concede that in (very) rare cases a new feature might need to negate and old feature. But to just take a way a feature from your user base without confirmation that it's not used at all is utterly insane.
  12. I loved the line "needed an MIT graduate to operate the DAW". I never realized I'm an MIT graduate. Imma ask my boss for a raise.
  13. I saw that one too. Kinda meh. I did watch The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus last week and it was kind of sad to see Brian just playing maracas on Sympathy For The Devil. But to see Jethro Tull with Tony Iommi was way cool. The Dirty Mack was fun too.
  14. All I get is a busy tone........ ......in Am
  15. Update: I did wake up. I did work on two new Citizen Regen songs and I'll be headed out for that nap any moment now. ?
  16. I'm working on waking up. Then I plan to work on a new Citizen Regen song. Then I'll work on a nap around 2:00PM. The latter item is bound to be 100% successful. Not sure I can say the same for the two former items. Oh yeah, I've all but completed my build of THIS I managed to destroy the LED that indicates ON/OFF and I'm awaiting the replacement.
  17. Bapu


    Thanks for the listen and your kind words.
  18. I'm really saddened by this news. PhilZ was the second generation voice of The CHB. A gentleman for sure. I met him in person at his home in Long Island, NY and he came to my place once.
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