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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Since I got RX9 Advanced (in a PPS6 free upgrade form PPS5) and I have full top drawer Melodyne the only thing I would have gained is Groove3 for a year. No wonder I passed. Most Groove 3 does not interest me.
  2. Slightly OT but I've yet to understand what the difference was between MPS4 and MPS4.1, it seemed to me that back when I compared the MPS4.1 component list to what I owned at the time I already had all those MPS4.1 components installed. I probably just missed some (maybe insignificant) detail.
  3. @cclarry I'm not quite following this upgrade. Since I have PPS6 and MPS4 and Neutron4 (and 96 PA plugs which may or may not be in the Brainworx Creative Mixing Set) it seems the $167.10 is just a lower price guarantee on the 2 major flagship updates this fall. Is that about right?
  4. We just watched Long Promised Road. We enjoyed it but I have to say when Don Was said "It worked" about Brian's prayer to make a better album than Rubber Soul, well... that old Mr. Don was mistaken.
  5. Very slow loading of web pages . :-{
  6. Poor McQ. There may be a congressional hearing in his future.
  7. Fixed for you. And in my post.
  8. Somehow my Mac SDC Installer was a verion behind my PC version. All is good.
  9. Aha, I updated my Mac first. It is not there. Then I updated my PC and it's there.
  10. Installed....... ...... long ago
  11. It was what I was led to believe in the negotiations.
  12. I have them all. I really like the Hard Rock. Classic Rick is good too. I think they all are good in their own way and so like the 1000 monkeys with typewriters eventually you could make a masterpiece with all of them. Disclaimer: I have 14 basses and have been playing bass for 53 years (not very well but I play it very old school garage band style) and so the use of EZBass is not for completing projects but to explore options and get inspiration when I'm coming up short.
  13. I have all access and I don't see that.
  14. #methree One less thing to worry about ?
  15. I mean, c;mon I just woke up.
  16. Installed, one prepaid serial left (from the 3 pack)
  17. Maybe a comma would help? Vox, Amp Distortion.
  18. How many times have you named a trak "ld vox" or some such variation? I almost always use vox as shorthand for vocal, never liked voc ?
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