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Everything posted by tecknot

  1. Hi Fawudd, There is no simple way to get a Cakewalk installation onto a new workstation. It will be a matter of reinstalling the whole kit and kabutile. However, you can save yourself from some reconfigurations by saving your personal folders such as templates (project and track), screensets and workspaces, preferences, (plugin) presets, etc. Also, you can save the samples for your instrument plugins onto a separate drive to avoid their reinstallation. A little time and maintenance prior will save you a lot of time (and frustration) later. Kind regards, tecknot
  2. Hi Richard, Turn on Input Echo and you should hear your plug-ins in real time. Kind regards, tecknot
  3. tecknot

    Music ownership

    Hi Rudransh, The material you create with Cakewalk is yours and you can do with it what you wish. I suggest you copyright your works if you plan to release it to the public. Kind regards, tecknot
  4. Hi tdehan, This is usually associated with your drivers (and you may have to change driver mode). What sound card and/or MIDI interface are you using? Kind regards, tecknot
  5. I cannot read Portuguese, but to answer your initial question; no, there is not a mobile version of Cakewalk by BandLab. However, you can get BandLab by BandLab on your phone (Android or Apple). https://www.bandlab.com/ Kind regards, tecknot
  6. tecknot

    Undo Redo

    Hi Airdog, You can make a button in the Custom Module in the Tool Bar. Kind regards, tecknot
  7. Hi Peter and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Have you scanned your VSTs (with the proper file paths)? Kind regards, tecknot
  8. Hi Roy, CbB might need a little more time for it to show the notification. Kind regards, tecknot
  9. Hi Matthew, My guess is your Saffire only works with an ASIO driver, whereas, the other programs rely on Windows generic driver. Kind regards, tecknot
  10. Hi Delta54321, Unfortunately, Cakewalk doesn't work that way. The Now Time is always moving across the screen. Kind regards, tecknot
  11. Hi spiffo, You can use friendly names and rename your inputs and outputs in Cakewalk. Kind regards, tecknot
  12. Hi Zeus, What kind of keyboard and sound card are you using? Kind regards, tecknot
  13. Much appreciated, Morten. Kind regards, tecknot
  14. Hi Jordi, What is your MIDI drum track output set to? Kind regards, tecknot
  15. tecknot

    Playback issue

    Hi Michael, The output of your tracks should be sending their signals to the Master Bus. I suggested using WASAPI driver mode since you're using a Realtek audio card and it would give you better performance than MME mode. Kind regards, tecknot
  16. Hi Barry, You must have your E 09 set as an input on your MIDI/instrument track in order to have it play your VSTi. Make sure that your E 09 is checked as a MIDI device input under Preferences | MIDI | Devices | Inputs for it to be an available as an input device. Kind regards, tecknot
  17. tecknot

    Track problems

    Hi Chris and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. It seems like you have all your instrument track's inputs set to MIDI Omni or they are all set to the same channel. In order to play the just one instrument track with your controller you must change the input of all other instrument tracks to None. Or you can assign a channel for each track; you must also set up your controller to play through corresponding channels to match each instrument track in CbB. Kind regards, tecknot
  18. tecknot

    Console view Question

    I would use User 905133's method since you cannot access the plug-in's property page from the Console View. Kind regards, tecknot
  19. Hi Dan and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Most interfaces dictate what driver type is required. For instance, most interfaces will work with only ASIO drivers. Other than that it is a matter of trial and error. Kind regards, tecknot
  20. Hi rean syah and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. To copy a clip from one track to another simply press and hold down the Ctrl key while mouse clicking on the clip header and dragging the clip into the desired track then release the mouse and Ctrl key. Kind regards, tecknot
  21. tecknot

    Playback issue

    Hi Michael and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. I suggest changing your Drive Mode to WASAPI shared. Also, I cannot see where your output for your tracks and Master Bus is pointed to. Your tracks should be pointed to the Master Bus and the Master bus should point to your desired output device which in your case would be the Airpods. Make these changes and let us know if you need additional help. Kind regards, tecknot
  22. Hi Marcello and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Your settings look good. There is no need to assign Instrument Definitions to the MIDI output. The reason you are not seeing any activity on your MIDI track is because it is empty and, it appears, that you don't have any MIDI controller connected to your DAW to trigger NI Session Drummer. Also, if you are triggering NI SD from the UI, the velocity may be too low. If you put some MIDI info/notes into the MIDI track (which correspond to any drum in NI SD) then you should see activity on your MIDI track meter during playback. Kind regards, tecknot
  23. Hi Derp and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. You can separate each drum to individual audio tracks but it will require a pass for every drum. Select the desired SS track in the Track Pane and with your Step Sequence View open, mute all populated tracks except for one; Go to Bounce to Tracks under Tracks in the Track View menu; In the Bounce to Tracks options, pick Tracks under the Source Category drop down; Now repeat for each other SS drum until complete. Unfortunately, there is no one process to do this automatically. Kind regards, tecknot
  24. Hi Leland and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Have you scanned your VSTs in Cakewalk? Did you include the correct install path (where your instruments are installed) for the VST scanner? Kind regards, tecknot
  25. Hi praveen and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. I am curious, do you have your volume output in TH3 set to maximum? Kind regards, tecknot
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