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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I swear i was about to write thexact same message lol
  2. Reminds me that monthy python pictures in movies...
  3. Impulse buy or not , this is professional quality here , and it s a fact ...
  4. Fleer wake me up when the player upgrade goes on and on sale
  5. Bapu i barely never use those so hit me whnenever needed
  6. it works only if it's not SSL or neve lol
  7. Craig try roland zenology stuff , sounds great and inspiring with great presets ...
  8. 80 % of eq moves in a mix are most of the time people fighting against phase issues witch cause sounds to need emphasis in the fundamental or other areas when interacting with other sounds , a good trick is to eq in sound radix pi and see what s happening ...
  9. I remeber selling the v1 because i was frustrated without the ms function and went pro Q ... but i really missed the ssl quality . what i found with a lot of digital eq s is that i feel it s pure math and functions , with the ssl one i always felt like a good eq , easy to get a great sound even for a digital eq , i guess the q and band types were spot on ... one thing indon t get is not phase switch or freq dependent one , i would love to have a type of x phase. Built in.per band or some ...
  10. I ve found a support page explaining that all previous websites purchsed stuff will not appears and the only proof of purchase is our ilok thing , anything purchased in the new website will appears then as mentionned before. .... so i created a new account since old credentials didn t worked ....
  11. might get it for the phase check alone , so underestimated by young cats
  12. Can anybody remind me how to proceed in the new websites with an old account , i remeber i gave up on last sale because of that (lmc )
  13. Zo

    WUP Sale 25% off

    The key is to wait and go for big bundles , my mercury is V9 , V12 introduced a lot of great features and new plugins .. but it's windows 10 onlys os i 'll still wait but unless you have interesset in updateing (plugin resize is one of them for me) , no need to do so ...(for windows guyz)
  14. Zo

    Gone again!

    Take care of you Larry , spend some quality time with fam and yourself .... get back to us 135 % Larry lol
  15. is it due to actual penury of component or a long term practice ?
  16. Guyz , is the streamliner thingy able to export in specific norma ?
  17. The producer kits (with small keyboard ala seaboard) was actually fairly priced ... it was on my radar ...but never a priority ... sad but it s the reality of the market , majority are tight on money ... and even more nowdayz , people have to prioritise wisely purchases ... so are they stoping any production ? Or they gonna focus on the beginner market ?
  18. All Good Shane , you did right .... And yep it's really a concern ..... the culture and honesty to the original philosophy of a firm is always sacrified imho .... Enters also ego's and numbers ....
  19. Specially with the pandemic and the rise of indoor activity demand
  20. can't read it : "This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU laws." But if they give up more than 50 % , ouch ...not good
  21. Sorry let me erase my posts .... I studied it , but i don't feel either the need and the capacity to dev in englshi , not my birth langage the concept . Capital : is the key element to study , what is that concept ... Second , we can judge a system by its impact , the latter one is more than enougth to figure out it's far from ideal ..... and it will leads to the very essences of it , if you don't see the connection bewteen this system and usury , sure what's coming up next will make no sens for you ... Let me erase my stuff and get back to subject ....;
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