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Everything posted by Zo

  1. The bridge , the bridge , the , the , bridge .....
  2. It was on i think since early september right ?
  3. @Peter - IK Multimedia can't succed to make amplitube reconise my unloked stuff .....restore my purchase doesn't work , first time i struggle with that , any clue Peter ? the fact that Amplitube is not up to date could be the problem?(stuff i try to unlok are old stuff Dr Z ect .. so they should work in that version)
  4. Funny you talk about lesly , i spent literraly the whole day yesturday creating SP 1200 sound , i sampled some 808 into a real sp 1200 (not mine) , played a beat and tried to match as possible with plugin , and one i really loved was the lesly (without cabinet) , i always use those for drive , harmonics and color .... Amplitube is for me the best playground around , even better than the exellent mixbox (in witch i made a killa preset also) , softube amp room has poetential also in that aspect !! But i noticed that Amplitube since my upgrade is laggy , i didn't changed the version but just unloking some features seems to make it slower in operation ,, just a feeling
  5. Amplitube is superior to guitar rig Ozone and neutron are exellent but cpu hoggs imho and tracks stuff are just fun to use and faster imho Modo drum srpised me , i have xln and toontrack stuff , gonna use it for sounddesigning my own oldschool drim kinda loops , cpu hogg is the only cons UVI vintage vault is superior to syntronik Modo bass gets used 99 % of the time versus ez bass here So my answer is it depends on how much you gonna pay for the group buy
  6. Guyz , i have choosen Dr Z stuff in my freebees , and no matter how much i restored my purchase in the CS , it's still labeled as not owned in Amplitube while green and owned in CS ..... Any clue ??
  7. @Peter - IK Multimedia Please , please , please , where do the drive in Modo drums comes from ? is availlable outside ? Byt the way modo drums cpu hit is inconsistant and it's worst when gui open so my guess is last framework (for amplitube / modo / ect ...) might be something to double check on the gui side
  8. Zo

    SSL X-Echo

    looks deep but i feel embarassed for them .... they're clearly on Pa path to release stuff at stupid price to push sub and those gonna be on sale for rediculous price after i bet (they better) 149 $ is the price of the Waves GOLD bundle or IK Tracks lol and you'll be served with way more !!
  9. Yeah Jacques i was refering to your finding just asking if it has been confirmed by other or is it "your system" releated
  10. @Peter - IK Multimedia Small question about sampletron 2 : Do we have to keep sampletron1 or everything will be availlable in sampletron 2 (old presets and sounds)?
  11. Guyz i'm on an old version of Amplitube , i wanna try those new pedals from IK ( x drive ...ect...) so i need to update Amplitube witch i'm not really warm to do .... anybody expérienced also that new version are more cpu hungry than old one ?
  12. Ok @Peter - IK Multimedia so basically Demo's are full products but with time limit , am i correct ?
  13. Those are exellent , i just use Neold stuff (same dev ) as a first reflex , they're all great tyhe Tape will be something i will by again !! selling the account to avoid the buyer fees per licences .... just cleaning my folders
  14. Grabbed Amplitube Choosed already Modo Drum and Sample tron 2 , worth of those alone , Sampletank is too heavy with GB can we install only the app or the SE is already like the big one without library ? Another Question @Peter - IK Multimedia i installed demo of B3 and modo drums , do i need ot re install or authorise demo is exactly like the full thing ? Thks and much love to IK with all those deals around , this one makes them looks like mainstream media ...lol
  15. i was like cool let's grab the Amek 200 : nope O, bx Limiter V2 Ok so Tantra 2 : nope Ok so Lindell 50 : nope Man ok ...ciao ....
  16. I'm selling my account with 4 plugins (in case some are interested ) VPRE-2C VPRE-376 VCL-373 TCS-68
  17. Still didn t made the jump', how many dayz after purchase we have to chose free stuff .. ?
  18. Lol oh yeah ... still digging some of slates classic , vtm being one of them !!
  19. Yep and his brother raised by othoman empire .
  20. Do you guyz know the real story of dracula ?
  21. Thks guyz , quality wise the cables i grab usually great , and as for sound quality , you guyz right about the impedance but i have no idea of what are those (not in specs) of pick ups ... usually to ensure quality of sound an dits integreity we integrate stuff (when needed like hum eliminateur and line shifter (when necessary witch also help cleaning he sound at the same time) but my question as a non player is do you guyz are impacted by latency introduced by long cables or is it marginal versus audio soundcard latency ...
  22. Didn t even knew slate has a center ...
  23. Thks guyz , well my reflex is to be under 3 m as much as possible but my obssession of no cable apparent will maybe forces me to go 7 m50 witch is making double think ...
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