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Everything posted by Zo

  1. He can t. Word on the street says that the older one is around reading the forum lol .... Larry got its personnal familial NSA
  2. @cclarry you know that we're worst than kids around here in the forum lol .....
  3. Here we go i know what it is , i'm handling 3 (mine) since wife back to work , no small ones but 10 /13/15 i'm exhausted as well ....
  4. One thing i can say ...it s gonna be expensive lol no hw , no rythm , no ect.... subscription !!!!
  5. Look really cool , really diging it , same here waiting , you reminded me to sell some solos before upgrade (straylight ect ...)
  6. EQ wise , you know the quality of Sonnox stuff , pro thing , Pro Q has dynamic , but the big selling point of claro is workflow , this is where it shines and all the work have been made .... Claro is imho 80 % of pro q and wayyyy more ....i wish i done a video on it , it was planned but with the zillion videos already out i think it has been already covered , unless people think it wasn't done as deeply as it should ....
  7. Seems like SSL wanna hurt Sonnox new release that is imho way more superior to x eq
  8. Damn i wish i could get the same prices here in EU !!!! will get one for sure , no 4tb nvme yet ? This one is for bapu for sure !!
  9. Zo

    ToonTracks New EZBX!!

    Actually thinking (as so many times already) really getting myself a real bass , and start learning and playing , at least for simple basslines pretty sure i can handle it (lol what a confidence ahahah) , anyone in EU tried the Harley benton stuff they're cheap and have great reviews , or should i go yamaha or miller or cort ect /.... as a beginner
  10. Zo

    ToonTracks New EZBX!!

    Bapu to the rescue .... this should be a saying !!
  11. Yep people don't usually know that losing too much weight in short time is very very dangerous !!! Anyway you look great now !! Now the question is how the playing goes lol ?
  12. Personnaly i would love another layer of control to hide what i don't use !!! because it soonn gonna become another Amplitube mess lol
  13. This is something to be anounced loudly !!! great news
  14. Would love to hear it just flat !!! no eq just to appreciate the freq response of each options without bias of the eq Nice video !
  15. Zo


    pushing us slowly in the matrix , smile and be happy ....
  16. Good news is that you're still in shape , i added personnaly some kgs other the years ./.... lol
  17. Really. Strange , are you cheking asio meter for values or real windows values ?
  18. Anybody can comment on cpu hit , same as other tapes ?
  19. You're free to do so homie , in fact i can't enumarte stuff i bougth just for sounds , for exemple i had a vs1680 (if i recall well the name) just for the superb built in fx , the sp was exellent also in that regards and that's even why i went roland cloud cause all those superb fx are there (the one i love and you should try is the Lofi comp either in the FX plugin or the zenology synth , it's taking from the SP fx and fantom if i'm not mistaken ... , superb on everything)
  20. Depends on style , for LoFi hip hop it was and is a classic as the SP 404 , Emu sp 1200 ect ....
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