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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Shame for the mouse scroll ...
  2. I remeber liking a lot abyss but skiped it because i didn t need it that much ...but concept wise i was happily pleased , i love granular approche and while i do think padhsop is superb , the lack of resize made purchase straylight from NI just to be able to drope samples in a more convenient shell ...but like Fleer says ...Kontakt ....meh ... so i wonder if we can drop stuff in ...
  3. Nope i mean mouse scroll on knobs to rotate them ...
  4. I missed that novum’, any good ? Beén on sale ?
  5. Cpu hit made me skip this with zero remorse ...
  6. I was about to say hardware is safe ...but it needs something we might aceess with conditions lol : energy ...
  7. Seriously guyz , you confirm no mouse scroll ?
  8. So what's the plan for this one ? still great machines if ya ask me !
  9. Why not windows on this mac pro ?.'
  10. Somebody said "you'll own nothing and will be happy" ... Seems like some brands are full on lol Reality gonna do its job , give it some time ... Some tried and are still strugglling to find a readable policy lol (PA being one of them , teh tried everything and are coming back to point A lol utopia versus market reality )
  11. Guyz by the way am i dreaming or no mouse scroll ?
  12. By the way i tried the soundpacks , lofi and cinematic are not bad , cinematic being the best , Sami Rabia (aka Ayen Zahev) is as usual classy in its proposal ... But man the bass thing is an insult to art !!! lol
  13. For the people that knows this bad boy , testing spound design as i type , can we have the sounds (in utiuility) , noise to play non stop ? or to react to amp env of material , usint the env to modulate the volume sucks ....can have that constant smooth sound while playing
  14. If you don t need all go for the play for life , it will be 100 $ each ...still ...
  15. Aren t those paid 9$ or do they come free ?
  16. It came with some hw , for exemple i got one extra with the VS 700 system
  17. Here's the link guyz sorry for being late :
  18. Damn missed that .... i tell the truth i watch his video because of i love spending time with him ...product is secondary lol Im' kkeping this one for tomorow while waiting for my doctor appointement lol
  19. And for 2 comps ! i made a review on those in case of youwanna know what they re capable of ...
  20. Since there's the actual PLAY 4 LIFE promos i decide to help you guyz choose the right path !! First video here to focus on option , second video will be a deep dive bewteen Zenology world versus Legends word !! Thks for watching , don't forget to like and sub , and share , this video needs to be seen imho 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:00 The cloud Software and HW 00:03:33 Essentials : Zenology (free & Pro) and Zenology FX 00:06:40 Zenology Expansions 00:07:47 Zencore Engine and Zenbeats 00:10:05 Zencore versus Legends 00:12:36 Patches and Presets 00:13:36 Drum Machines 00:13:55 System 8 & 1 Aira based 00:15:25 SRX 00:17:00 Memberships : PLAY FOR LIFE 00:19:23 CORE VS PRO VS ULTIMATE 00:24:00 How to Buy Cheaper !! 00:25:57 The offers and promos 00:28:15 Licences management 00:32:59 Membership Management 00:35:24 How To Claim Your instruments (Loyalty Program)
  21. Crashing on me non stop freezing s1 might be the v1 problem
  22. UAD is solid imho , not cheap , but when you understand when and how to buy , it's great , i spend too many not knowing this ... on for exemple 3+1 bundles , i could have waited and bougth the ultimate ect ... but anyway those are in every sessions on the majority of critical tracks at least ... and same in mastering Those could have made me skip buy several other plugins
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