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Everything posted by Zo

  1. He even , there was a time , posted my videos before me lol ...
  2. Exact ... and i will add , original cakewalk forum was exellent , after the gibson debacle we were kinda in the wild and lost even if some mvp made actually alternative places .... The challenge to create something similar is not only reached but to some extend , correct me guyz if i m wrong , surpassed .... and yep same for me , here and gearslutz are my go to s but only one i feel at home ..... Take care of you guyz and your fam ."... and make some organised noise !!
  3. True , i do like the overwall universe , the mixer in RME is like windows 98 versus UAD lol im might consider one but problem is actual desktop witch is more and more pushing to upgrade (need those usb c witch will open apollo world for me) .... your HW choice by the way is exellent , TK audio are higly underated imho , as for warm and heritage , you tell me what you think versus UAD 's for exemple . Some fun on the menu for you !! if ya need help for mixing and editing (vocals ect ...holla at ya boy Zo ;))
  4. @Bapu since you re making this move , conclusion is that you love those , is it unison recording or anything else that set them appart ? Rme here since years and moving away is like almost impossible in my mind lol ...
  5. Found the same type fro windows 10 , any advise on that ?
  6. Lol i didn t said it doesn t sound great , i just don t need another mono synth .... i m actually testion kaox from xils and for exemple the deep fm added to analog osc and filters makes it very interrsting ...it has what the korg doesn t for exemple ...this is what i m looking for , stuff that complement whati have
  7. You're Welcome Be sure to watch my video zeno versus legends , i do an A/B bertween XV versus zeno ....main diff being FX Also the XV edition is like being in zeno pro edit , a lot of menu , not friendly at all , like the VS 700 used to be BUt you get used to it ... Making patches is not funny at all , a real job , but the level of subtilities is deep , the learning curve also ....
  8. i encourage anybody to try also dmg audio Track comp 2 You 'll get Revision A and D of the classic 76 FET compressor British (G-Bus) and American (2k5) VCA bus compressors 2A Opto compressor with lush valve output stage Zener Comp/Limiter 160 early VCA comp for drums British E-channel console compressor I'm pointing this cause it does sounds great !!!
  9. mmm nice to know .... if you don't need some FX , i'll buy them , solid bundle you have here , i'm scratching my head for repro , i don't need the one mono but the 5 is spicy but i need to calm down spending ....
  10. Nope , those keyz are for legends only (watch my first video on the cloud and i go on schemes) I really done those videos because i swear i was lost like tyou guyz and spent 700 $ to understand my mistakes lol (i should have gone HW lol ) You have 3 options : 1) You get the Play 4 life Pro : you get one legend licence with it : you choose the JD 800 (Legend version , exellent) 100 $ (instead of 150) 2) You get a Play 4 Life Ultimate : You get 2 licences , one you grab the JD 800 , the other is bonus (it's still at the ned 100 $ per synths ) 3) Option 3 : You want the expansion (via Zenology platform) , in that case uyou get Zeonology for 229 $ + 149 $ For the xpansion NOTICE : i did lobbyed to Roland that Zenology expansions should be availlable as rewards as the legends in play 4 life scheme , the demand is escaltted , the guy told me that those thing takes times so finger crossed . Xtra option : If the JD 800 is all you need , go legend ..get a play 4 life Pro use it during one year , do not choose definitly the JD 800 legend version (you have onbe year to change mind , you can change Day-1 before the end so you can use it during one year) , if the Zenology expansion gets included and you want Zeno version , grab this licence and then buy zeno .... IMHO if somebdoy wants Roland sounds and the JD 800 without wanting to go deep in sound design specially , Play 4 life ultimate and you get the XV 5080 + JD 800 and call it a day .... We could organise a live tchat with you guyz for questions ....
  11. So basically it's one licence for the whole bundle ? can sell stuff speratly ? What you mean UX for xils ?
  12. A deeper dive , via a patch creation .... sound design in this is another big diff versus the legends .... 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:07 Patch exemple analysis , Sounds structure, Enveloppes ect ... 00:16:00 Modulation 00:20:18 Pro edit : Pan Alternate function 00:26:22 Save a Patch 00:30:43 Pro Edit : "Keyb Off" , sounds play option 00:36:13 Macros 00:37:00 Range and velocity keyboard split 00:37:48 Conclusion
  13. Zo

    Mathew Lane sale

    Secret weapon , shhhh !!
  14. What happened to last ? You sold it or do you have a crossgarde price ? I tested hive and i m not that impressed .... to be honest , great ...but nothing not covered alreay , repro has a vibe and a character on its own ... Tested the cherry audio as you told me (lowdown witch is indeed great) but some are cpu heavy (dreamsynth) and the sound is imho to clean /digital ... when you compare to roladn acb and others ... not a bad thing , just solething not needed . the real one that impressed me the most are xils ,..i skipped those back then for maturity reason but i do think at the actual state , these are superb ...xils got the fx section right !!!
  15. @Fleer this thing is simply Spectacular , as well as KaoX and 505 I do think those cover a gap between all we already have .... same as Gforce ...it brings those earlier sounds like very few (70 's sounds)
  16. Testing as i write Repro 5 : imprressed , really the character and analogness you get form that is imprressive , even more than diva, and the FX section is imho on pair with Roland (less number of fx but man the quality is superbe , where Arturia sometime lacks cojones)
  17. Zo

    Softube Tape for 29

    yep i forgot that one but never uses it in fact ...
  18. Zo

    Softube Tape for 29

    Don't forget that it will be then present in Amp room , console 1 and modular ....
  19. @Fleer check this out , now that'sb a timing lol https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/uvi?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-430c00848a-310201501&mc_cid=430c00848a&mc_eid=2f8a57d4df
  20. Doing a fresh install soon , everything i didnt used last 6 months is not getting installed and if i can sold ....
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