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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Lenovo P52

    Buy 2 and send me one !
  2. Guyz , is cubase boxed has a hdd with content in or just download codes ...
  3. Zo

    Lenovo P52

    Don t hink twice it 2500 euros here ...
  4. The onl thing that really floor me : a PA daw lol !!!
  5. Thks guyz for the kind words .... what i like is that now we have pretty much all we need in the PA catalogue !!
  6. Ohhhhh man i forgot , you reminded me t give credits for the bass player !!! A great guy l cool , i edited the bass with melodyne to get the pattern i wanted ( badicallly just erasing one or two stuff in the loop ) ...
  7. Zo

    IK tape machine finally !!

    I really think of making a dedicated video on how to demo ik stuff ... i even explained this on the las one knowing this is a redundant request and headache for some ....
  8. is the pack really worth ? and guyz what about Cubase , still thinking of buying it (from a seller that would do me the same price as last sale) , i liked some great features for post production but not so inspiring during production like S1 can be ?!!
  9. was on the road lol you know it would have be done even before PA poost lol Here we go guyz .... You know i got you guyz covered Here's my take on the Purple Audio MC 77 emulation coming from PA , another 1176 ? well we gonna check this out !! If You remeber the song we begun to pre mix with the focusrite channel strip , this baby come to rescue ....to instance and you judge !! 1) Plugin Tour 2) All fun / mix rescue !! 3) Conclusion !!
  10. Dammmmm was waiting for swing bu money short now .....
  11. Guyz can inupgrade even if i don t own it padshoo yet anticipating cibase pro purchase ?
  12. Zo

    IK tape machine finally !!

    You have to be connected to customshop during process of demo , if your custom shop isnt opened and connected during the time you use yhe plugin , you will then have the noise ...
  13. Lol best quote of the day lol ... well ...let see ...
  14. What makes you say it s a compressor ?
  15. Thks Larry for the link ...guyz i've been waiting for this one fo so long !!! I think it's just brilliant , not only the sound but the options you have ...(sidchain and de esser !!) be sure to check what you can do with those ... 1) Plugin Tour 2) Mix fun on a whole track (@4min) 3) Frequency Scan technic (@36 min) 4) Conclusion !! (@41 min 10)
  16. Matthew , they will never sell ita at that price ....i think it's gonna be like 199 , with intro at 149 for us to buy it at 99 and even like that with true iron , kush and MDE as well as of course the vertigo , i will think twice before buying from scratch !! like i said i'm tired of buying stuff ...full price and now ican't even sell one plugin for a price of a sandwitch !!!
  17. No i was saying on the PA store , the dynamic discount is back so one buy enogth plugins to get at least 50% on the intro price ...then transfert the extra copies to buyers and buyers use their vaucher to cover transfert fees and pay the plugin at 50% off its intro price .. this would work if intro price minus indiviual vauchers is superieior to intro priçe minis 50%
  18. ok stupid idea ... Let's think of a group buy ...the dynamic is back ... we keep vauchers for transfer , one buy 10 (i can do that) and we 're good to go ? Larry could you do the maths ?
  19. Don't know if i understand well , but in my video i show the opto side alone compression , then the VCA , then the combo , each time vesrus AR 1 if i recall ... Of course i tried it agaisnt all the beast i have lol , the thing is that i know i have to shorten my videos , maybe anothe rone on compressors death match alone with all the 2019 releases ... Another thing to notice is that fukkkkiing stepped volume knobs that makes A/B a pain !!! hate that :!! , i can live with it , biut for videos , not all cool for the audience .. and yes there's other great stuff coming !! and i'm talking new stuff ... (never released !!)
  20. Hi guyz , PA just released the Shadow Hills Compressor natively !!! It will be on sale the 15 th of july !!! "For the first time, the supreme tycoon of compression and all its power is available in all major native formats. NEW: Enhanced by Brainworx with added External Sidechain, adjustable Internal Sidechain Filters and onboard parallel Mix (Dry/Wet) capabilities. We are thrilled to welcome to the Alliance the godfather of dynamics control, the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor. Meticulously modeled by Brainworx after the legendary hardware, no details have been spared when crafting the digital version of one of the most musical and versatile compressors out there. A well known staple in the industry, the Shadow Hills compressor easily tames even the most unruly and chaotic transients with flawless tone and control. It’s no wonder that it has been the go-to buss compressor on timeless records by Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Beck, Green Day, Coldplay and countless others. Dual compression sections for unprecedented dynamic control One of the key things you can do with the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor is treat your signals with dual-stage compression, dialing in compression either through the Optical or the Discrete sections - use both for maximum musicality! In the Optical section you will find the traditional Threshold and Gain settings, with a two-stage release time that is similar to the one you find on an LA-2A. With this section you can easily shape your dynamic range and bring up the overall level. In the VCA Discrete section you have a more exacting control over the ratio, attack and release settings, which easily allows you to fine-tune the compression response to fit a large variety of material. Switchable output transformers for sonic variety Further tonal character can be built with the three unique Output Transformers. Here you can toggle between each one to easily shift the tonal balance of the compressor. Choosing between Steel, Nickel or Iron will help the compressor add distinct flavors commonly found on a few legendary consoles. Nickel offers smooth lows with a polished top end and sounds great on more subtle and sparse recordings. The Iron transformer has a more colored sound but still maintains a pristine high end with a small boost in the 100Hz range. It operates through a Class-A output stage that applies only even-ordered harmonic distortion, leaving you with a very musical sound. Finally, the Steel transformer has an extremely detailed and fast response with a subtle boost in the 40Hz range which contributes to a rocking low end. Brainworx Plugin Only Features To round out the huge features that came straight from the hardware, Brainworx went a step further by adding a Parallel Mix control, a Sidechain Filter and an External Sidechain option in the proprietary toolbar! The Sidechain filter can easily prevent frequencies below the setting from triggering the compression for ultra-tight sounding mixes. Try the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor now to experience a whole new level of dynamics management. Official videos :
  21. Seems on facebook it says the 15 !!! So nothing tomorow i guess ... need to erase my post lol ...
  22. 24 hours i will say , i don't know if PA gonna release all at once or week by week ....
  23. Have youbtested the Uad version ?
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