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Everything posted by Zo

  1. 40 for new costumers and 29 to update for old one that already bougth it once ... shame ...
  2. I really have to try that , you pointed this out several times to me , but i see it more like komplete kontrol than an original synth , does it come with sounds on its own able to cover what you said , or you just impliying that you can layer anaything from 3rd party synths
  3. This morning , i opened omnisphere , loaded atmosphere pads = gas off lol ... Loading more modern pads ..... even less gas Sonically don't fell like i will get better BUT the design of complex pad is where imho Luftrum offering is winning : more fun and easier
  4. By the way how is the cpu hit ? I love strailight but some patches are heavy on cpu when chord are played , is lunaris more optimised ?
  5. By the way watching Simeon video ....but not fair everything he touches sounds great !!! lol
  6. LEt's put it this way i want to seperate " this sounds superb " to " we use it in real life production" .... That's an issue i had time to time ..... Are those inspiring and eazy to introduce in production or to complex sounds that are more to carry a scene on their own ?
  7. Missed the july one , what you guyz think of those
  8. By he isnt the yen low means better prices for us oustide japan ? Or it will mean more marging with prices stabilised ( witch would n t suprises me )
  9. What plugin were you talking about ? Amp sim ? there s diff , i had shadow hills ( the green one) and it sounded better than the native version , had a talk with dirk about that .... One thing i notice for exemple in that case is that the uad version has the HW measured sidechain hipass , while the pa native have the Generic one up in the wrapper that is present in sevral plugins .... so i take some statement with a grin of salt . Of course one big advantage is to track with those with near zero latency when using an appolo ...
  10. Van Der Crazy : "We 're gonna di risk from China" Same from Jungle Josep .... We meaning EU and the WEst .... use of rethorical manipulation to say without saying "next move is china decoupling" ... My advise , anticipate a little , couting on our Gov to move for our interests is illusion .... i'm buying hw slowly since Ukr war , i suggest you do so ... PS : Van Der Crazy : Ursula von der Leyen Jungle Josep : Josep Borrell Fontelles (in allusion when he said "the west is a garden and outside is a jungle") , we call him like that since .... (yep this is a diplomat lol those those that are supposed to make the temperature goes lower bewteen states lol )
  11. One small precision , same here , all native PA , softube ect are already in my folder natively ( sonnox as well) But one thing that might be different and YOU guyz tell /confirm me , is Amp sim and Preamp , that uses original impedances Via Unison technology ... Those might be interesting if the diff versus used in daw as insert is noticeable enougth ...
  12. Sorry to hear , no big deal if ya own the 1176 , to be honest on tracks i use 1176 while on buses ebven if those are wieked , they always let their place for a manley , SSL or API , because they 're more versatyle and tracks are already colored prior to that @Fleer i got the fender , so you good lol , but you owe me a guitar part ....on my next track ....just for the stress !!! lol
  13. Where Steven ? tell him it's reactivated grabbed the Fender 55 , more a collectionnoir move lol i play no guitar and have all neural dsp and Ik stuff lol STL Benson and Putney , softube ect ...lol But i tried yesturday and it was super easy to dial sounds that sits well in the mix without messing too much with eq like i have too with some others .... closest was Nolly clean (i thought Plini Dumble would but not)
  14. nah pretty sure it was 10/03 11h59 PM Pacific time
  15. Steven , am i crazy or the vauchers was supposed to be still running ....
  16. ? told me nothing Fleer you own me a fender .... !!!! lol ?
  17. Wtf just came home to purchase we're not yet 3 . 23 pm
  18. Need you guyz feedback on the fender guyz i'm at c ours and can't test it ...gonna rely on my memory (sounded great , cpu hungry )and your feedbacks
  19. mxing bundle for 19 : got century , lesly , hitsville eq and reverb , Api and the tape (magnetic) Got V76 for 25 upgraded for 22 to diamong got opal + organ +piano thinking of getting fender amp for 25 .... i think i managed well this one lol
  20. Sonnox is one of the best still imhio , elysia also , Waves multi band one also handy !! I pointed ou the nvloppe (or maybe the spl +) because they share the exact same designs .... with eth ability to choose freq for attack and sustain , it's superb and powerfull , and underused imho by people ....
  21. Anybody has experience with uad V76 , not a lot of time to test on a alot of material , it does wonder here on elektron beat .... but i'm wondering if i'm just hearing it's roll offs (that tighten the thing like crazy)
  22. I had the best deals at time and space back then , sad this shop is gone !!
  23. Anybody that doesn't own the Elysia Nveloppe , grab this one !!!
  24. From one of my post notice la2 a are 3% 1176 are 2% and dbx almost 1 lol here on pics you have the heavier ones
  25. I was surpised also by t he robot thing , but soul less would be played by robot , samples , we want consistancy and accuracy , this will be then translate when the playing is human as close to the real thing , in all case we re sampling sounds and velocities ... not performance , in the last case that would be a shame Now if you re talking about round robins it s another story , depends on nulbers of velocity layers , the more we have , the less round robin is needed
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