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Everything posted by Zo

  1. 49 ? how , i'm just trying to buy it now and group coupon is gone !!
  2. no ya good , it' checks ilok licences .... download are availlable without even an account ....
  3. Zo

    Bon Voyage!

    more seriously , i wish i didn't have the sea sick , it cancels any boat activity for a long time for me
  4. Zo

    Bon Voyage!

    lol it's not a voyage Larry , it's an expedition .... have fun and notice that if WW3 start it wilml start in your area ... lol Bon voyage !!!ahahah
  5. Cool , and strange since their last releases are the opposit ...
  6. MArtinic does solid stuff https://www.martinic.com/fr grab tha free Kee Bass , it sounds great
  7. Good news is that old one is kept , two diff install ....so if this one is a cpu hogg as i suspect , i will roll back on the og one ...
  8. And multi thread .... i stoped buying anything from them , last stuff i bougth , can t use them ....silence radio from support about that ,...
  9. I hope it will no more cpu hungry ...
  10. I have the opx pro witch is superb ..... what i love about the Disco is it's layers ability and how fast it is to get something smooth .... Filter sounds superb and everything is exellent , the added Waves brings another dimension to the bad boy .... Don't know why it's not mentionned more , maybe because of 2000 style presets ...
  11. Thks guyz .... solid infos ... seems pretty mature if ya ask me , i tried this in theast few times , and this version seems solid ...i had some random crashes but this might be oversampling and waves pad thingy , need to test further ..but so far its how a four part synth should be ( ya listeneing roland , spectrasonics ect ...) Did ya guyz experienced some crashes or somes with this version ?
  12. Hi guyz , looking for this bad boy i know it has been some great deals but never paid attention , saw an offer on kvr witch is great but i'm wondering if those deals come back often ?
  13. Witch by the way was ridiculous , thinking that people that buyz a 300 euros beringer are the same that would have bougth a 5000 euros re issue is just pure ignorance of the market ... The bad faith is pushed to the point they ignored Roland version as well .... maybe because it's written SE on there's ...
  14. Zo

    Great Freebie : Thump One

    Sorry and thks for posting it , i missed it , a solid and good surprise , reminds me chromaphone but straight forward ..;
  15. F....k i more and more thinking about getting away from NI , this was the ice on the cake ... they make a 25 keys , two version later still no 25 keys and then just a middle finger .... practical question : how to get old version if someone runs the center for the first time ( new install or next owner ) ?
  16. Zo

    UAD LA-2A Free!

    So basically of you own the collection , is it worth getting or not ?
  17. You want this until you open the small gui , you will then say nah non need ....and thne you will listen .... and the n you will go , still want this .... lol I saw this on my mail box , skipped it for seeing this around here ... alll it does is boosting my gas for a Blofeld (witch by the way has all the PPG wavetables !!)
  18. What do you mean ? arturia good enougth ? didn't even knew arturia had one !
  19. @Fleer do you have this soundbank for omnisphere ? Sounds great
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