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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Still afraid to test it .... Me : 2020 is fuked up , be cool with purchases zo Nov : mjuc, neold , amplesound semi hollow , audiothing wires , testing pulsar mu, considering arturia fx collection .... ?
  2. I don t know but by judging at the level of non exitement this video made to me , i l starting to feel finally mature to resist purchasing stuff i don t need ....
  3. For one delay , it doesn t passes the Larry's Law requierement .... ahaha i voted for that law , comon Larry ..
  4. Actually , been impressed by cleans in Cory wong and the ability to go heavy if needed with pedals ... yeah he cali i skipped it at that time , for the price neural dsp is right now , 4 or 3 amps , pedals and cabs , it s really on lair with cheap offers around , with a higher quality ... stl tones is underated also .... the problem is that it s mainly engineers , so the tones aren t meant to be as natural neural dsp but usually seats easily in the mixes ... between those 2 brands for fast gtr tones , and amplitube for getting mpre complex tones ...i think we re set ....
  5. No Larry , no !! By the way happy with Semi Hollow Oncle L , thks fir your advise and the head up on kvr , i wish could have bougth an acoustic one also but he sold it already. ... The victory craken in nolly is superb ... Toffo , for cleans i ve found the first amp in Abasi to rule by it natural and precie tone .... i sadly sold abasi recently because of the heavy tone , bass tunes it has that indon t really need and bugs thatbthey take ages to fix ... i don t count how many times size don t get recalled by the way on all models ...
  6. Last year it was 50 % if i recall well if more than 5 plugins or some , it was quantity based hence the group by , now i think with their policy , patience is key , i didnt thought a new one wiould be at 50% aka cory wong , now it. Snotice and i will no more jump in first day releases .... Larry : Nolly can be the only amp you ll need ... it misses fx like a.plitube ect ...but for regular tones compsed with overdrive , eq , delay and verbs needs ... bingo ... the 4 amps are exellent ...and do way more than their actuall role ( the lead one doing some superb cleans , the clean one doing some great crunch ect ...) i remeber being impressed by the caly for clean tones and crunch ....anybody ?
  7. @Marc Cormier here we go homie !!
  8. Zo

    Your BF wishlist.

    Neural dsp does the 50 % thing but if a group buy can be done , i can handle it But i really suggest to wait for Amp 5 first ...
  9. Yeah i watched it , notice this is the DI i think so don t expect that woah , really thing start to appears with amp soecially the depth ... what i liked is the features set and their implementation.... guitars in my tracks aren t the main elements ...unless i go lofi hip hop , but i anyway dirt them like crazy lol
  10. Zo

    Your BF wishlist.

    Uad octo usb and the 10+ 3 plugins offer ...i did the maths and it s less exepensive than upgrading both computers ... but offers on both are never synced ... i will have to buy hardware and then wait before getting plugins , and i cant buy plugins (unless somebody transfert me a card for me to buy plugins and then i transfert back lol)
  11. Zo

    Roli Equator 2

    Nice to hear , still to pricey for me , i own some fxpansion stuff but not last ones ...
  12. Larry i m desoerate to find big size msata ssd , if you find one , tell me !!
  13. Does it happen since some time or is because of a teçent update or some ?
  14. I m so slow , purchasing is a high end sport today ...
  15. Zo

    Roli Equator 2

    Can we buy it without hardware ? Didn t knew that , if it is the case ....
  16. Still in V3 , used it time to time for mixing small not crowded projects , i do find cubase solid for videos , strange ....
  17. Is e izotope freebee over ? Damn i gave myself few dayz to trybthose first lol ...
  18. Zo

    overloud transfert licence

    Thks just got the info as well .... os if it's the same account , if diffrents accounts , one transfert licence per account ...
  19. FOr people that tried those : shreddage 3 , ample sound , or this one ?
  20. Hi guyz , i just wanted tot know if overloud transfert licence fees are per plugin or per transaction (can transefert several plugins) Anybody done it before ?
  21. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/tiger-the-frogs-alphabetical-list-of-november-2020-sales.100595/ Reid , superbe job , really !!! so if i understand well , first pages of thread is dynamic and changes on each sales ?
  22. Reid , put a link of your VI thread !! I hope you don't mind me sharing this video on omnipshere FB page lol
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