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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Watched video on lemon basically it's a regular dealy with samples of the Freq and harmonic response ...not impressed at all lol but i might be wrong ...feel free to correct me guyz .... Testing arturia ones , the roland is nowhere near the IK or audiothing but the 2 others are pretty great and fast / powerfull the bundle at 99 migght be worth the delays and comp !! (the retro comp is what stands out from those comp emu's ) , still never tried the MCDsp !!
  2. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Sold it few months ago great but never used it once lol i just don't tick with those gui's
  3. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Thks Larry , do you have it ? price seems fair , i 'm just scared about cpu hit and operation with Aa Any infos of what's emulated and why it sounds better lol ? i'm reading their statment and basically they're certain that they do it better than others on this one ....
  4. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    yeah i forgot to tell i have it ....
  5. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Timeless seems super powerfull but the interface man not inviting at all , will give it a go For cubase , cubase fx can't be used outside cubase if i recall well ....
  6. Hey friends , one area i still need stuff is delays , i love what i have but sometime , thing doesn't go as fast or creative as i need .... Need inputs on stuff i can't stest or i'm testing but can't compare with what i can't test lol (demos other via ilok some i never been able to laucnh) Arturia Delay s / Mc dsp Delays / Vahallla I have Hdelay/waves stuff Soundtoys NI TR5 Audiothing Thks Just sold Echoson from Overloud , love the sound but operation is a pain .... i'm not a GTR player by the way .....
  7. looks great but each time i consider those , i buy something else lol
  8. sometime not even a product but an upgrade lol
  9. is it a standlone vst or in the modular rack stuff ?
  10. I think i m gôna skip , the oscillator is too hypnotik lol can t work'seriouslybwith this around ....
  11. Exact but it wasn't said in that pure aspect , the end of the sentence is why i precise , something missing that you needed several times and don't have 2 dayz a ago i recorded a rapper for exemple , his beat has vari tempo in it , when he epxorted it from Live it didn't had this FX applied (he doesn't lmaster live that much) and asked me if i could do it , this is where a plugin like HAlf speed with automation could have been a faster soultion , i eneded up at asking him the live session and handle it on my own , witch was a waiste of precious time , time , time time !!!! is the only thing you lose for ever !!! if i can make it more availlable with the help of 0 and 1 thks to a piece of paper ? lol BINGO !!
  12. You can try the softube also (ACA is the name) , i love it .... but not cpu friendly
  13. Guyz , any of you have some GUI size going funky (lol) like size B , close , open going size C then
  14. Exellent i will add : PREPARE projects and time to test plugins , projects that can exhibit strength of any processor (time based , dynamic , freq , combos ,) and instruments based projects ... TESTING will be anyway benefical in reminding you what you have and its sonic prints (plugins you already have) ANALYSE What's really missing in your arsenal , something that you missed to have servral time (in my case , delays this year and guitar plugin) CHILL AROUND HERE and have fun because we share a lot of information , and sometime giving adivses even answers your own questions (i'mexperiencing this as i type this word lol)
  15. To be fair , any good channel strip can get the job done ´ i would be able to mix with any model , witch is a sign of good quality ..
  16. MArc THU stock or with Rig mainly ?
  17. i opened a session last day , just few tracks cpu going crazy , i checked : nurald dsp cory wong : 48 % cpu per instance , basically it was fuking up 2 threads on a 8 threads comp , enormous ....so kudos has to be giving to overloud at least for Cpu hit , neural dsp is , imho for GTR PLAYERS , not for producers , boucing track seems a must with those at soon as you go stereo and all modules used ... also bug fixing is kinda slow , i dnetified a bug (seriious one on cpu) in abasi , they confirmed and telling me they're on it , several month later i asked back , they told me update is coming , i sold it several days ago , i know they gonna smash it as they did with the nolly bug i found , but it's slow ...and i noticed strange behavior on cory wong .... all this to say that sounds /features is a thing , relying on the tools is another , in that aspect , never had an issue with less bling bling brnds...
  18. I asked Ryan if i could have a pre realease demo or some to really put it on run , i will certainly ask you guyz for guitar parts (as well as Peter) and test it ... as a prodcuer ,i'm pretty sure , zillions of metal guyz will do videos on it then lol as soon as i see a review with a man doing clean to crunch i'm like Amen !
  19. Personnally i'm kinda dissapointed by the lack of serious updates for TH and markbass ...been pushing this to those gentelemens but it's slow ... i'm selling my TH3 for that , it could have been exellent but the lack of energy put on it exept this rig endless sampling is making a producer like me wondering if they really think , only people using this are guitar players seating on chair jaming with a rig ? Hi hopes on AT 5 (cpu hit is my concern , so this dayz that for the first time in my life i'm 99 % close to buy an uad octo just to fre up some cycles for the rest ..)
  20. Api coming .... shhhhhh i said nothing ...
  21. lol man you just reminded me , i never tried the presets !!
  22. He has a unique action , that alone is worth the try , it's not a 1176 , an ssl , vari mu ect ....UNIK ... Second : it works really well on any sources i tried .... hence you know how to use it This leads me to the 3rd part : not for kids ,kinda triky to handle to understand the beauty of all the poissibilities ... It will handle bass , vocals , drums andything like top of the top , usually comps fail in at least one area .... the KEY is the handling of the feedbck drive and so the freq response , at default setting , you will have some serious meat on lows My take on it :
  23. Be sure to play also with the blend control , i miss this one ...
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