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Everything posted by Zo

  1. "better than last releases" I mean last native stuff : Vertigo VSC 3 , Kush AR1 , MJUC , Pulsar MU , MDE , Softube Chandlers / Weiss , Arousor , Unissum , sunset reverbs , ect ... SSL channel strip , you have the duende , BX , waves ect .... would be cool you mix with another and check , you might be just confortable with any ... upsampling is also a thing , if you compare do it in on a 96k project ... I hear you about being fast , to tell the truth time was speed up via C1 here , but cpu is giving stress !! other option i just check is that it will cost ùe 1000 euros to get an i7 10700 (+ MBand Ram) and double my power lol
  2. Grem , let me ask you a question (pretty sure not the first time) , i really struggle to find some serious content or A/B 's about it , i've found myself really close to jump on UAD because all the last plugins i bougth are making my cpu kinda ouch .... option being using light ones and heavy ones with caution .... now that said , came UAD in the equation as well as HW !! i was thinking of going HW and do it the old school way , mainly for serious work (aka for people ) versus stuff for my own projects where i like to work on the go .. So my question is quite simple : do UAD plugins are better than last releases ? closer to HW ? Do mixes you done with uad versus native reflect this diffrence (quality and decisions / workflow) With experience i know how to work with any tools , but if one makes things sit togther faster : bingo , HW does this for me ... specially compressors With time would you jump UAD again ? seems i missed this sales , i have a trap album to mix and gonna be like usual C1 , but damn those channels strips heavy when you have 50 tracks ... gives few rooms for reverb /delay ect ... If you need specific , i'm really intersted to know your feeling about those :
  3. Group buy ? Can we get a bundle and get each one of us a serial of one of the titles ?
  4. Larry i swear i was writting and crying at the same time , and i don't drink lol (or smoke ) just laugth at my stupid joke .... Ok i know you will not like what 's next , but damn that plugin (vocal) sounds sweet !!
  5. Try delete open delete open delete open open delete delete , or open open open open delete delete delete open delete delete , or open delete open open delete open delete delete and report Thks
  6. Mastering EQ is actually the star of the bundle
  7. Now that's a serious deal , i wish their vocal thing wasn't mono only , but i might take it as a SSL vocalstrip repalcemnt
  8. When used with their sound card , they sound better thks to impedance matching thks to unison stuff
  9. i guess if i go uad i will lose those 25 lol 10+3 is the plan , sold sevral plugins since few day to make it less hard to swallow still giving myself this night to think again , hate to be loked in a system but sessions at home are more a dn more heavy so this will delay system rebuilt .....
  10. Larry what new versus the other days ? the custom had thios + 1 +2 +3 plugins since the beginning of the promos
  11. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Officialy disgusted : no go on windows 8.1 , i forgot the V12 not supporting windows 8.1 , i thought it would work anyway ... pfff a chance i didn't renew my WUP PRo R : i use it when i need precise reverb with a specific ADRS freq wise , it's super versatyle but lacks caracter imho , think of it like SPACE , not reverb , for the last i would go elsewhere ..... Softube tsar is imho one of the most underatted , it's fast and can do anything , cpu is nothing IK Sunset : my first pick TC VSS3 : Classy and always does the job PCM : might be your last reverbs Black hole : for long reverb / eternal /.... my goto Verbsuites : when i need something specific or when searching for a vibes during production
  12. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Just watched the CLA video , seems like CLA vocals modules with more tweak ability ....mmmm exitation level 2 now lol
  13. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Thks a lot def on my list , it's an old one , i remeber testing it back then , so it should also adress the cpu hit concern !!!
  14. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Yeahahahhhhh when are we supposed to get , i enteret the infos like one week ago , when this BF day is ? I hope i will not have to beg for it via support ect like i had to with bezerk This one is one of my fav , takes sometimes to tweak , but yep def on my top 3 with echoboy , didn't cheked STA I love Wires but not for its delay , that say it's a great one for sure , but no better than tape delays like Waves , IK ect .. How to not to !! Forgot to check this one , thks !! The psp is no cheap !! wake me up when at 29 , that said i really like this straight interface , reminds me Lemon
  15. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Thks mister-tea , i forgot about the psp , definitly my cup of tea need to check relayer from uvi also thks guyz for your inputs ....
  16. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    I have it lol hate the interface (it was a nfr) don't kill me guyz lol
  17. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    i have the lexicon delay as well but never used it , it's a pain to tweak .... Basically the one i used to love was the tc electronic in their powercore platform .. The waves tap : i love the concept and guy , lacks mojo and interface is super small (still on v9) , when using it , i combine fileter and rive but it's not fast Echoboy Jr : i love it , i prefer using it instead of echoboy full .... i think you guyz understand what i'm saying , interface and features ...sounds is not all for me ... specially for a delay where tweaking and creativity is key ......
  18. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Ok it was in jrrshop and , last site update erased all my last order including this one that was near june 2019
  19. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    was chilling in audio deluxe and saw metric halo promos and been like dammmmmmm i forgot i have a free licence of the dirty delay , and remlebr it was great , where the f ....this one is ...lol
  20. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    just sold the Overloud version witch iv'e found better lol
  21. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    No homie it sounds superb , problem being it's in AT , i want delay simple but deep for vocals ect ...
  22. The demo was awfulll lol but the sound of disto sounds accurate ....Downloading ....
  23. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Unfair , you're not human !!
  24. Zo

    Delays ? Delays ? Delays ?

    Guyz while i'm dowlnloading Lemon demo : Out just right now Mike Dean plugin with AA , gainstation (disto box) looks sweeeeeet
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