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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Grem i hear this debate again and again about the cab driver , thing is if people keep using cheap or small monitors , hell yeah it will never be the same , try those amp sim in mains in a big studio or even on stuff like my 2108 (quested) it will drive some serious air !!
  2. Great question , for me it could but i m not a gtr player ... but as a playground its the champion , and as a post prod tools also ... if i was a gtrvplayer i guess uad unison techology and amp'offering is the right choiçe . Just imagin At 5 going uad with unison for each amp !! Woah ... with the right ilpedance this coukd get us even closer ...
  3. Zo

    Uhe Sale at NI

    Tied color copy , vahala delay ect as if you guyz remeber , wanted a fast and great sounding delay ...and to my syrpirse no one proposes independant volume for delays R/L , not even a balance ... while echo boy and even waves old supertap does , mcdsp also does it and the bbp one (red) sounds superbe ...
  4. Hey , so what's your thougths about this new AT 5 ? i know like many you're peaky when it comes to ampsim !!
  5. Have fun , it's really a superb release , the more i use it the more i love it ... if IK would have released that like a year agao , i don't think i would have spent so much on 3rd party amps including neural , stl and PA (ampegs) , i think half of those would have been skipped .... Personnaly i do think limiting option is better and learning well a tool makes a hudeg diffrence, you're good with AT5 , learn it well and get add ons when sales comes (like orange , fender , ampeg ) ect ..it's usually cheap as 49 $ druing heavy sales /... max is also an option but wait until it goes 149 $ (usually tha price even lesss at jrrshop and other shop sometime , Larry will makes us notified as usual !!) Their UX ? shuuuuttttt don't let Larry start a fire about that lol !!!
  6. Assuming that you want the crossgrade you can get it here https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia-amplitube-max-upgrade unless you have somejampoints or credits you wanna use ....
  7. I think best price was 45 if i recall well , 49 +additional 10 , or 55 , can t recall ...
  8. Nobody made a simple video walkthrought the concept / process ?
  9. True , it's a diffrent approach ; like you said it's clearly dirven by artist vision ... i would say it 's like the "artists" collection in AT a step further ..... Anyway , my feeling is that even with my personnal moaning about the workflow , i'm quite happy with what they and impressed in a lot ofd areas , a lot of work have been done , kudos to the team ... we just have to lobby for tweaks here and there , but the core app is solid for another decade lol
  10. Personnaly , i will label Neural healthly limitation versus AT witch can be for a new cat too much lol but imho AT is the king of all when it come to create album ready tones and as a playground , even with AT 4 it used to be there from production to mix end , when i need simple sounds it's neural dsp / stl / nembrini
  11. Checking by the way roland stuff , no way to get infos on prices offers ect , just this damncloud , created an account didn t helped ....
  12. Larry i m getting only 30 % on bundle and triton ´ is that normal ?
  13. Thks for the precisions , are the big impulses number in Se version and up makes a differences in cpu ?
  14. Mmm so basically somebody that started projects woith CS will not have the same sound sif he upgrade on project recall ? strange !!
  15. Marc , can we choose to de activate the new VIR on taste to avoid CPU hit (i suppose it add cpou cycles ) because i do find AT5 surpisgnly cool on cpu versus what i expected , kudos to ik for that , it sounds as good if not better versus other actually hyped amp sims but without the need to floor my dsp
  16. Are those "resonnance" really adding something or creating more problems ?
  17. Thks MArc for the detailed feeback , is the VIR another layer of option or does it change the original sound of the amp versus what's in CS ? what i mean is tha an AMP on CS and SE are the same or even that changes ?
  18. Ampeg sounds sweeeeeeet .... so far impressed by the sound certainly would have made me spend less in other amp sims lol Still not so happy with inteface , but i'm trying to not be biased by it and keep testing , what's up with new amps ?really that good ? Didn't tried those yet
  19. Zo

    UVI Holiday Deal

    They never exeed 30 %?
  20. It's a great debate , perfect exemple is STL Tones .... a lot of people compare amp sims but in the case of stl tones , their approch is mix ready stuff ...versus sounding exactly like the real deal Why i say that ? because no matter what people call natural or what ever , i end up chasing bad resonnance in the mixing process ... so if i can't get it done from start it's great . Usually i can achieve that with mic placemnt and Amp tweak , but on old AT , i had to tweak way more (Mic type , post EQ ect ...) , AT 5 seems that this react more like real life meaning fast moves are enougth to get it sound great witch is a big plus NOW , sounds appart , it's really making me sad that IK imho MISSED to much areas to improve things , SIMPLE things to enhance workflow ..... in some cases it's even more difficlute than before , and it let me question either beta testing or IK faculty to embraced remarks /request in that stage !! Simple thing like : 1) ok i want stereo , i have to change rotuing , i have to insert same amp copy settings for amps and cab ect ... 2) let's say i want to pan one left on right and handle volumes : A Simple pan / vol for a whole chain isn't present i have to go in the mixer view witch is reach vioa CAb click , then another click , i have to pan bus then do the same for second chain ect .... REALLY ? is this a scnearios that is so UNCOMMON that nobody at IK said : hey let's propose simple Vol and Pan module to put in chain to handle that ? Or at least a Rack FX or pedal called utilities or some !! 3) search bar : i typed orange : nothing !! ok let's type , fender : nothing , you know why ? becaus eyou have to type the amp name !!! , come on !! 4) tweaking a preset , let's say i want to change the mic : clcik cabinet , double lciked the mic gui : nope , it would have been to easy !!! click mic on the filter on the right ,.. I know i sound kinda irrated but i know IK , for me it's one of the few brands that have nothing to envy to UA quality wise and much more and i can't understand why Features versus workflow isn't on pair with what we can /must have in 2020 Why not a simple fader icon beforen and after one amp allows you to reach simple Vol and pan ... because if i insert for exemple 2 amps with very didfrrent gain staging , increasing input will make one chill and one scream !!! (yep another common scenario ) It's anyway a great update and this is the sadest thing , because it could have kille the competition !! STL messed up also their last update making easy stuff more complicated .... i recently sold my beloved synthronik , because i was using it , and guess why ? Workflow , having to jump here and there .... was simply a pain , i even didn't decided to not using , the process made itself to me without any cosnciousness each time i needed this or that it was anything but Synthronik ... SAD Still , like AT 4 , it's gonna be my playground for complex sound design , but in a hurry scenario , during creatif dense process , pretty sure i'm gonna load Neurald dsp , and for bass a dedicated stuff l ....
  21. Personnaly , i think that ORange can cover any ground like crazy !!
  22. lol so in my case (CS) i's installed but can't be used , is this the place where you can handle more precisly m ovement of mic's ? I do find the sounds already more "precise" and less resonnant .... and it's the SE version , by the way Fender now includes Princeton amp ? only in AT 5 ? why so ?(not in AT 4)
  23. Zo

    Uhe Sale at NI

    May i suggest Press werk as one of the best ITB comp without flooring your cpu Satin is top notch also I don't even speak about the synths , we all know their quality
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