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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. A fascinating tutorial, Mike. The way the subtle use of different effects on the vocals built up to create a much fuller and pleasing sound was particularly interesting to me as someone who has very limited experience of using effects other than delay and reverb!
  2. Enjoyed your tutorial Pip. A good introduction for newbies. Looking forward to watching future episodes ?
  3. Just started mine - it said a day initially but within seconds went down to 23 minutes! I assume these are just maintenance updates - no new instruments or features?
  4. David's referring to the capital B's used for flats in the Ledger article I shared Larry not your post ?
  5. Yeah a bit of a strange article but I thought it might stimulate debate ? The capital B annoyed me too!
  6. My thoughts after listening (nice piece by the way Larry!) I found the G minor darker than the B minor which seemed more optimistic. However I did wonder if that was merely because it was starting from a higher position on the scale (if it was?) Interesting what wiki says about those scales - especially the Beethoven quote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_minor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_minor And this https://ledgernote.com/blog/interesting/musical-key-characteristics-emotions/
  7. Thanks Larry. This is an issue that has always interested me. I'll listen later today
  8. Nice video Simeon - could have used that when I started out with Phiharmonik ?
  9. Ah thanks I noticed he hadn't done the presets in original video. The initial elephant put me off I must admit!
  10. Another excellent video Mike. Found the tap tempo section particularly useful
  11. Just watched the video - looks impressive and the Genesis that came with Computer Music is still one of my go to synths - though admittedly I don't own any expensive ones!
  12. .....and that version is pretty good ?
  13. Looking forward to it Mike! I only work with VSTs but I'm sure there will be lots to learn and enjoy ?
  14. Thanks Larry - oddly when I download and install the new update then run it I still get a message that there is an update!
  15. I'm a little puzzled by this - I have the APro 800 and I do not recall ever downloading or installing from disc the Control Surface Software (I may be wrong it was a long time ago I set it up!). Control maps for Sonar and thus CbB are stored within the A Pro 800 - press the left button under the LED display twice and you can set the control map from there. Sonar maps are 0 and 19. The transport buttons on my APro 800 work fine with that set up and I am using Win 10 Apologies if I have misunderstood but hope this helps
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