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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I think you can only get the free version on portable devices as I tried first on my PC. Does seem a bit odd though!
  2. The first collection says it is for full Kontakt only - that's as far as I got as it was taking ages to load
  3. Thanks that was useful - got rid of a fair few AAX plug ins - I'd had a clean out of those once before but there were folders you mention that I hadn't looked in! A few had VST dlls in but I left those to be on the safe side as in total they probably didn't amount to more than a couple of hundred MB Presumably if I have a 64 bit version of a plugin I don't need the 32 bit version? I got into the habit of installing both when one of my DAW's was 32 bit - think it might have been Ableton Lite 8 before I updated to 10. I've got Reason 10 on my PC but I assume that is ok with 64 bit? Thanks again
  4. Oh I didn't notice that - didn't seem to take any longer to install as far as I can recall
  5. Got this earlier - there's another free mag in there if you scroll back a bit in the issues!
  6. Others will be able to advise better than me what spec to go for but if you are in the UK want a ready built PC I can highly recommend Chillblast - I've had mine about 7 or 8 years now and it's been brilliant. I'd go to them like a shot if I ever need a replacement!
  7. Are the sounds in these VSTi's as good as or better than those in Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE and Garritran PO?
  8. Both good recommendations there Starship (though IKs authorisation procedure might be a bit forbidding to newbies). I've been playing around a little with the Project Sam freebie and as you say it has a small number of great sounds. Not done much tweaking with it yet but look forward to exploring more I've mentioned them in the Deals forum but the Palette and Soundscapes plugins from Flintpope have some very pleasing soundscape / pad sounds. There are a few other freebies there but none grabbed me https://flintpope.net/free/
  9. It does have Simpler but I'm wondering if it's a cut down version that doesn't allow import of developers instruments
  10. I've only got Live 10 Lite and so these didn't appear to work for me but the Palette and Soundscaper free instruments make very nice noises indeed - even if only a few of them
  11. Just realised you can only use for them for up to 30% of purchase price - unless Sampletank or some interesting libraries come down significantly I think it is unlikely I'll use them
  12. Thanks Vernon - I thought it might be that this library isn't NKS compatible. Not really a problem but useful to know I'm not missing something! Re the lack of input from my keyboard I need to look at that again - there will probably be an obvious answer. It looked like all the midi setting were fine but I'll double check
  13. Oh yes I see now in the info page on Jam Point - you are right 2 years! I'd better do something with them then! Though it looks like Gift Points might not expire as I have some from 2015. I'll look at Gear Credits thanks
  14. How long do Jam Points last? - I notice a couple of mine have expired from 2013 There's nothing I fancy right now with what I've got but might wait to see if we get any more and get closer to getting Ampletank 4 or 4 SE. I've got 79 euro worth at the moment
  15. I've managed to get the Project Sam Library to appear and sound in Kontakt but it doesn't appear in Komplete Kontrol - also I can't get Kontrol (and in some projects Kontakt) to make any sounds when played with Apro 800 keyboard. Midi routing looks ok and the sounds play fine with the GUI keyboard - other VSTis play fine. Is there something about Kontakt that I'm missing? Not had this issue before as far as I can recall!
  16. I've just started a Zinio subscription of CM - too cheap to pass up. I used to subscribe to the paper copies but got around 50 still to read so stopped a few years ago!
  17. Thanks - they usually are ?
  18. I installed the update but it doesn't seem to want to download - I'll try again later!
  19. Ooh a free collection that doesn't need full Kontakt - cheers Larry ?
  20. Just had the email. The £1+ is a no brainer. I missed Angelicals when PIB had it as their freebie. If I hadn't just bought UAS for £7 I might have gone for the full bundle
  21. Set up a template as you want it then put a desktop link to it Just ike any other programme I think - unless I have missed something?
  22. Will the real Larry Shelby please stand up!
  23. There's a good deal on Computer Music too at the moment
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