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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Another excellent video Mike. Found the tap tempo section particularly useful
  2. Just watched the video - looks impressive and the Genesis that came with Computer Music is still one of my go to synths - though admittedly I don't own any expensive ones!
  3. .....and that version is pretty good ?
  4. Looking forward to it Mike! I only work with VSTs but I'm sure there will be lots to learn and enjoy ?
  5. Thanks Larry - oddly when I download and install the new update then run it I still get a message that there is an update!
  6. I'm a little puzzled by this - I have the APro 800 and I do not recall ever downloading or installing from disc the Control Surface Software (I may be wrong it was a long time ago I set it up!). Control maps for Sonar and thus CbB are stored within the A Pro 800 - press the left button under the LED display twice and you can set the control map from there. Sonar maps are 0 and 19. The transport buttons on my APro 800 work fine with that set up and I am using Win 10 Apologies if I have misunderstood but hope this helps
  7. I use CE2 as a multitimbral instrument I create midi tracks for every instrument I need eg flutes, oboes, clarinets etc then set the output of those midi tracks to the CE2 with different channels for each instrument. I then load up the respective instrument into the associated slot in CE2 Hope that makes some sort of sense?
  8. Just a possibility but do you have the piano roll's notes playing within the range of the particular instrument you are using in CE2? I seem to recall there is an issue where Cakewalk's C3 is and where some virtual instruments locate it. I have CE2 and don't usually have any problems Try dragging the note up and down the scale if this might be the problem - apologies if you've already thought of this! Good luck
  9. Hopefully someone who knows a bit more about the nuts and bolts of the Apro settings will be along soon and will be able to help more than I can ?
  10. That seems very strange not to have any control maps installed! - I agree you shouldn't need to start from scratch! It was a bit fiddly getting mine to work and I can't remember exact details - just checking - does your controller surfaces dialogue look like this?
  11. Sorry I can't help you with video or images - I think there are more explanations in that legacy forum that may be able to help if you search. The control map as far as I can recall is stored within the Apro - press the left button below the LED display twice and it will then give you the option to choose a control map - I think it may be set at 0 as default but if not set it as that by turning the dial and pressing when it gets to 0 Have you installed the Apro programme that should have come with the A300? If it haven't got it you can download it from the Roland website I think I haven't delved any deeper than using the standard control map but only really use the keyboard, knobs and sliders and transport bar - all work ok though I have never got the pads to work but haven't spent any time trying to
  12. Must admit I just stuck with the standard Sonar Control map 0 or 19 rather than delving deeper as described in the link
  13. I've got an APro 800. Takes a little setting up. Read through this from the legacy forum which should help ? http://forum.cakewalk.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2181430
  14. I was running through the different rhythm patterns on Ample Sound guitar the other day and it crashed Cakewalk - I was going through quite quickly though so that may have been the problem
  15. Happy New Year to all - thanks for the help when I've needed it!
  16. No it wasn't! 6 samples which I immediately deleted!
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