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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Im in Ireland .. its available in my netflix as you can see. Picard however IS NOT AVAILABLE on Netflix, yet
  2. US only .. Star Trek discovery is on NETFLIX also but not Picard .. Yet
  3. Thanks @ZincT Would i also be right in saying that there has been significant UI improvements between v5 and v7. I was having for example sizing issues in v4, and other things I cannot remember now in v5
  4. @ZincT As I said, I reckon they dont have the site updated fully for of yet? Are you going to jump for this? What version have you? Is it 5 like me?
  5. @ZincTSo here is what I have done: 1. Go to www.arturia.com and login 2. Then go to the home page and the 2nd slide at the top, click on that 3. Then as I am logged in I scroll down and see BUY NOW €99 button, click that 4. Now I see THIS SCREEN: 5. I select say .. 4x and click ADD TO CART 6. Then I get this screen: So may be try that? Maybe the front page 2nd banner is a specific link that has not been updated across the site?
  6. Hiya @ZincT Once I select say 4 months I then go to payment and get offered BRAINTREE Payment method and fill out my CC Are you logged in? Maybe you need to clear your browsers CACHE / Temp files OR try another alt browser and see .. I think the BRAINTREE payment only turns up if you decide to pay over a few months rather than outright. If I just select the 1x option I get options to pay via Paypal or CC BUT if I select 2x 3x or 4x I see BRAINTREE Payment and no Paypal.
  7. @ZincT It seems they have updated the credit feature over 4 months and now the "interest" is only $5 paid in the 1st payment .. In total after 4 months you pay $104 vs $99 .. so it seems my email to them has bourne some sort of fruit Here it is in Euros, but in Dollars its the same value as in $99 and $104 AND then in checkout:
  8. Spotted this elsewhere and also started it at my Facebook Group CORK IN THE 80s: https://www.facebook.com/groups/corkinthe80s/ BUT also thought it as something to have fun with here. So what are your social distancing tracks? I will start with of course:
  9. Also here with different Cherry Audio products it seems https://www.audiodeluxe.com/brand/cherry-audio?solrsort=fs_field_popularity desc&mc_cid=21c07bbae2&mc_eid=083b3b8988
  10. I own V Collection 5 .. so to 7 for $99 isnt too bad. The 4 monthly payments is in general a nice idea ..
  11. Be that as it may .. BUT I have to say I am a fan of the pay in small amounts monthly for software model. Either via an interest free easy payment method or perpetual monthly small payments as is the case with Office 365. It means you are not forking out a few hundred of your hard earned cash from the get go SO MAYBE CAN AFFORD IT, the software companies have a way more regular monthly cash flow source that also helps them to give back better to that software's community. Also might mean more sales if people who find full price initially as too much are now in the frame for purchase. All I was saying is for the now COVID19 situ just make the easy 4 month payment easier again and take the $99 in 4 smaller lumps rather than one bigger one. BTW @ZincT .. I got a reply. They no can do, the 4 monthly payment / credit thing is being handled by another company - Arturia "do not have access to it ( the online payment solutions ) and therefore, we cannot change the amounts of the plan or extra fees." The reply said "I will forward your comments to the sales board."
  12. PS I just emailed them and asked they remove this interest on the $99 spread over 4 months. I said maybe it would be a good thing to help musicians in these strange & straitened times we are in
  13. I note one thing NO ONE mentioned here about the upgrade price .. You can split the upgrade price across 4 months - around $30 a month .. rather than splashing out the $99 now. Although you pay about $12 extra for the pleasure. I just dont get that, why not charge $24.75 a month w/o interest? Anyway now that we in Covid19 land with so many laid off and job losses big in the ents industry maybe even having this option spreading the payment over 4 months is good
  14. Yip .. so I am wondering, rather than upgrading an existing drive in a laptop, how about buying one of these and move all audio data / CW files to it PLUS run CW from there along with all other audio software.
  15. Just wondering .. Whats the actual point of a drive like this vs any other USB3 drive? Is it for running games directly off it OR data storage? And if running software off it would it be a solution for Audio Software?
  16. Good one BUT only for people in the USA and territories
  17. I just did a test file with Retro Keys on its own loaded into a track. Plays away fine while open. Saved it. Closed it. Then opened again ... CRASH. Def something up with the plugin and Cakewalk. I loaded Retro Keys into a track in REASON 11, saved, closed and opened again .. all fine Go Figure
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