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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. So you go in and add say 8 free mags ( having logged into your Zinio A/C ) BUT at checkout it still asks for your CC or Paypal and though $0/€0 you still need to give these details. Whats up here?
  2. Thats the thing ... ALL these 10 bucks or less add up if you loose control of it .. by month end you could rack up a sizeable CC debt with more 10 bucks purchases than you thought
  3. https://soundgatelibrary.com/freelibrary.html Download is 3.4GB
  4. More temporary clutter .. shur we have Cakewalk what more do we need
  5. @ZincT After this pandemic is eventually over ( whenever that will be ) we are all going to have so much FREE stuff we might never need to buy anything again
  6. Yes scroll down that page and you will see the FREEWARE EDITION big image, click that ( issue 200 ) .. this opens the vault site where you can use the DVD CODE you get with the free digital mag ( Page 6 ). Remember to use caps and lower case if your code has same. It is case sensitive
  7. I wonder is the 3GB+ download for that mag any different from the download for current free edition?
  8. @ZincT No I dont think you have to. I had same issue .. BUT solved by typing the password / code as is WITH CAPS and lower case .. then it worked!! I dont have an a/c with wetransfer or musictech
  9. The code you require to download the 3.4GB of DVD content is on PAGE 6 of that free mag ( end of page on right in Yellow bar ). Link to access this is at: https://musictech.wetransfer.com/downloads/a85cd623a546c3dad7e06a29677178c720191003173943/79b562 Use the code in your FREE Mag above, then d/load
  10. Still available for anyone who has not got it yet
  11. I see in the last post is a link to the content on that edition plus the important word required to access .. thanks for that
  12. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat/beat-05/2020 Use in Chrome or Firefox to translate They seem to have some nice stuff monthly. I wonder is it possible to get an English version of the mag. You get access to all past and current content on https://www.studiodrive.de/
  13. Nice one AND you get access to the DVD content
  14. @ZincT My bad .. thanks for that. The word Sequencer in the name somehow went by me
  15. Downloaded this and added to rack, getting no sound out of it. Switched to back panel and no connections to mixers etc, no cables. I reckon thats it. Anyone any idea how to rig this up in the rack to get sound? I am also using this reason rack as a plugin in CW ..
  16. If first time visitor you get a 10% off coupon which you can use on these also .. so less than $3 each
  17. You need the Simpler instrument for these, that isnt with Lite I dont think
  18. https://www.undrgrndsounds.com/products/the-bundle Get the ultimate UNDRGRND Sounds bundle - 25 of our best-selling audio sample releases for an unbelievable 95% OFF individual pack prices! Get all 25 packs for only £24.95 - discounted from £489.85! This exclusive bundle comes loaded with over 4000 loops, 1500 one-shots, 900 MIDI files, plus drum kits and sampler formats for Ableton Drum Rack, NN-XT, EXS24, Battery 4, Maschine 2, Kong and more. Containing 25 of our most acclaimed releases, this bundle is bursting with inspiration for underground electronic music production across genres including house, techno, minimal, electronica and beyond! All our audio samples, presets and MIDI files are 100% royalty-free and can be used in your own productions, releases or compilations as you wish. Me bought it ... will be trying this over the weekend for sure .. hours of Fun
  19. Also this: https://welcome.online.berklee.edu/Ableton-Live-Fundamentals-Course.html Take Your Free Ableton Live Fundamentals Course About the Exclusive 4-Week Course: Ableton Live Fundamentals is a perfect point of entry if you’re looking to learn this fascinating program, which will open up new possibilities and change the way you think about making music. Ableton Live is not only an ideal tool for recording, but it can also be used for composing, arranging, mixing, and especially performing. This course touches upon all of these fundamentals, as well as production, synthesis, sampling, effects processing, and workflow inside of this unique software.
  20. Looks like VERY OLD Software when one looks for reviews I have the AIEP 3 complete. Only worth in this might be the 275 instruments .. whatever that means ( samples? )
  21. Interesting, because us over here in Europe used to look on with envy at what was offered in Netflix US that we dont get here like alot more current movies etc. However i think thats sorting itself these days and the difference gap is closing. Of course VPNs
  22. Im in Ireland .. its available in my netflix as you can see. Picard however IS NOT AVAILABLE on Netflix, yet
  23. US only .. Star Trek discovery is on NETFLIX also but not Picard .. Yet
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