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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Also available over at ZINIO for ST£25 for 12 months ( normally ST£42 ) . English version https://www.zinio.com/gb/beat-m37585 Not sure the diff between that and PLATINUM? And is the APD offer the ENGLISH edition?
  2. Thanks @TVbene ... I use OPERA GX browser https://www.opera.com/gx My go to browser, love it. ITS FREE, try it AND it has its own built in VPN feature you can turn on / off in settings. I went to the Arturia V Collection 8 page at proaudiostar - link at OP above. Had the OPERA GX VPN on .. this time I could add to cart, go to checkout. With VPN off that was not possible. As to whether it would allow you to go beyond the Checkout to say paypal, I didnt check that as i would not be buying this - already have it plus V Collec 9
  3. So ... as stated above and just double checking. This deal is only for people in the USA and CANADA .. whatever serials you get will not work in Europe and rest of world other than US and canada???
  4. Great software this for photos, graphics. I have the previous itteration / version, use it all the time. Its sols as a ONCE off price, not sub. I used to use Photoshop but once they went crazy priced sub and i spotted Affinity .. I was sold https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/ €125.99 for the whole suite ( Reg €179 ) UPGR - €94 ( Reg €135 )
  5. I just tried to email them via form on contact page re this Q about US only. Pressed send and got this:
  6. Well that sucks And i mentioned it already to a few band/muso buddies and just back to them saying HOLD OFF .. not a good look
  7. BTW you can pay for your ABLETON Upgrade / or buying new via KLARNA facility at the ableton site when you are at checkout. This allows you to pay for Ableton over 3 monthly totally interest free installments. So for example my upgrade price is €87 - thats 3 x €29 installments Just thought this worth considering if the sheckles are a bit tight and the no interest thing
  8. @Tim Smith I did see in one of the 11 to 12 type reviews a guy saying he uses Ableton as much as possible with Abletons OWN instruments and efx, doesnt use any external VSTs if he can avoid it. Finds workflow far quicker etc etc
  9. I have been using the beta for a while and for what I use I can still do fine in 11. This time I dont think I will be a first adoptor. That €87 deal will come around again and when 12 is a bit more bedded in ..
  10. Essentially the few "big" changes are: - The mixer now viewable as well on the session or arranger view - 2 new instruments Roar and Meld - New midi editing tools - Search Features eg sound similarity search - Few more small view changes No game changing upgrades???? .. unless you really granularly use Midi editing tools. I looked briefly and its sort of Scaler plugin built in?
  11. @Niky Serrano Having watched that video Im a tad unsure if its worth the upgrade TBH ( €87 ) .. It just looks like an update within the Live 11 version. He makes some good points in the final - should you upgrade
  12. Pre release review of difference tween Live 11 and Live 12 .. and is the upgrade worth it https://sonicscoop.com/ableton-live-12-review/#:~:text=In Use,12 compared to previous versions. Below is separate video on the same subject:
  13. My Upgrade from 11 to 12 email arrived - €87 - with a link to go direct to the shop. This offer will last for 7 days when the link expires
  14. Re VSDS-X @MrFigg .. A drummer we had in the 80s had a full Simmons Kit .. used it at gigs when we were going through our Howard Jones, Duran Duran etc New Wave, New romantic phase ... great times, happy memories
  15. I am a huge fan of SCOTTISH BAND - THE BLUE NILE who used Linn drums exclusively on there 1st album any way "A Walk Across the Rooftops"
  16. Have that already but must admit I have not used it much yet.
  17. @Brian Walton Yip thats true - it downloads the large installer file proper. So when it gets to the end of the download and then to the welcome screen to actually install I would imagine you could copy that install file proper from inside your windows temp folder. Before doing the download, clear out the windows temps folders ( c:\windows\temp and C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp
  18. Drops MixBox by IK Multimedia from the sale price of $29.99 to $25.49 OR get both - MixBox by IK Multimedia - MODO Drum 1.5 SE by IK Multimedia for $59.48 with that coupon
  19. I have Corel painter 2020 ( and also earlier versions ) over at my account on Humble Bundle. There I have the downloader installer that still works, tested. Also note its Lifetime Perpetual License for 2 devices. The INSTALL Size for this version is 1.45GB. I also have the product IDs / Serials registered over at my Corel account
  20. aweful website .. like something from the 90s HTML and GIF/Flash animations
  21. Here you go: https://www.ujam.com/usynth/euphoria/ Electronic Dance Staples - Usynth Euphoria makes it faster than ever to create driving and lyrical EDM sounds. Skip the operation manual and get straight to the point. With ready-made sequences and custom Finisher FX chains the next dance floor banger is fair game! https://www.ujam.com/usynth/core/ All-Purpose Studio Essentials - If you could take only one Usynth title to a desert island, this should be the one. A wide collection of essential synth sounds. From basses to polys, from leads to arpeggios. This is the comprehensive swiss knife for every occasion. I have them both - but not tried yet
  22. So - we dont need bandlab assistant app on our PCs anymore?
  23. BTW SOS is also at ZINIO and has that 40% reduction on annual sub with code - BDAY40 https://www.zinio.com/gb/sound-on-sound-uk-m34729 ST£24.99 for 12 issues. With the code - ST£14.99
  24. Ah K. Just from your Post Title it gives impression of Free to me anyway .. no mention of subscribers only
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