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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Interesting .. BUT I do still have Roland midi pickup for the guitar + the blue processor unit that i need to dig out wherever it is. Its old enough .. uses midi connections, no USB
  2. @Frank Yes I have full Kontakt 5, 6 and Kontakt 7 player all installed on same systems ( PC and Laptop ). All working fine. Just keep in mind that Vivace Legacy ONLY works in Kontakt 7 ( or Kontakt 7 player )
  3. Just for clarity .. Works fine with the free Kontakt Version 7 player .. installed and functioning fine my end
  4. I asked them on the twitter machine .. it works with Kontakt 7 Player also
  5. @ZincT TBH I upgraded from 15 to 18 for the speed difference in loading etc alone on my win 10 core i5, ssd system it was well worth that €26. 18 just seems alot slicker and solid-er. I also used vegas from start as a DAW .. I have audio projects going way back that still work in it. As I said above I have split my EFX Vsts and Instrument Vsts into seperate folders. I only let vegas find my EFX folder
  6. I went for this. I had 15 installed up to now. With plugs 15 took a bit to load and sometimes with new plugs added it wouldnt even load. Now with 19 installed the difference is night and day. Way more solid, loads plugs 15 would not .. seems faster all around .. worth the €24 for me anyway
  7. Well for $49 at mo for the full ver Multiphonics CV-1 along with Currents chucked in .. worth the punt? https://www.applied-acoustics.com/promo/
  8. Login and check your invoices .. there I have the Lo Ki Felt Piano & Ha Pi already along with the Origins Bundle that cost me €9 https://sonuscore.com/shop/origins-bundle-vol-1-5/ Only thing is downloads expired
  9. For those interested .. here is a good vid review of VEGAS PRO 18 Vegas 18 seems to have made a start on AI EFX And also this:
  10. Does this apply to VEGAS also? EDIT: Yes it does, you get the hidden internal tab BUT no "grovel" to set DX or VST to false. I did find a way of getting around this sort of with vid apps. I have my EFX ( vst and vst3 ) in separate folders from the VST instruments. I dont see any reason for having VST instruments inside vegas audio wise ( being a guitar player )
  11. This uses the AAS PLAYER where you can play and listen but not edit. Which is great for free. If you want to edit Multiphonics CV-1 & get Currents sound pack also - all for $49 ( Multiphonics alone normally $99 ) then: https://www.applied-acoustics.com/promo/ I have Multiphonics CV-1 Modular Synth .. really like it. Zillions of great presets so even if you are not a Modular techie you can still get a lot out of it and beyond the AAS player you can tweak the presets a little to your satisfaction without getting bogged down in wires
  12. Yip but the google thing was my point sort of, related to when you say "play it with finesse like Lars Ulrich" .. the google thing is using sounds from the world BUT replace that with drummers and there styles and sounds where you could do similar with the gui broken into sections for bass, snare, hihats etc and drag around to find the sounds you want OR mix and match or the AI auto generates a complete kit from individual drummer and plays it. All this in a VST. As you say, not long now I imagine
  13. https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/drum-machine/view/ https://audialab.com
  14. Deal is now over. The FRIDAY22 still works but gets you $74 v $49. CYBER2022 no longer works
  15. Cakewalk was my original and most used. I ended up with Reaper BECAUSE CW is not cross platform and band mates are a mix of Mac and Pc. Reason i got for free along with a keyboard controller, along with the Reason rack VST I dont need to use it, instead i can use its instruments/efx inside CW or Reaper. FL Studio I bought way way back for stupid money at the time and its free ever since, TBH I rarely use it. Ableton is interesting .. i got 9 I think in a sale also. I do use it some for ideas. I like its SESSION VIEW for creating ideas .. CWs closest is the matrix view which I would really like CW to work on and turn into SESSION View, then ableton would be no more for me
  16. A Q @abacab .. If you have Scaler 2 ( I have this ) .. why also would you need Waveform, even the free version?
  17. @abacab @ZincT Ye ( and i ) mentioned Instachord and Instacomposer. WA Prod have InstaChord 2 & Expansions on sale BF for $29 https://www.waproduction.com/bundles/view/instachord-2-and-expansions Same goes for Instacomposer & expansions - $29 https://www.waproduction.com/bundles/view/instacomposer-and-expansions Instachord and Instacomposer on there own are on sale for $19 each
  18. @abacab I started a thread in the CoffeeHouse about Synapse Audio defunct DAW called ORION. I got this back in the naughties but in 2015 they shelved it. Really liked it, still have it installed. After it got shelved I bought FL Studio as similar to Orion, got it for knock down price too. Then i ended up with reason lite via an actual keyboard controller with bundled software .. so paid very little for those 2. In real terms I use CW and Reaper .. the latter more at the mo because we needed a cross platform DAW as some members are on Mac. With respect to MIDI pattern generators I have much of the stuff Audio modern has in this regard plus WA Productions offering insta composer I would have to look at the Tracktion generators in Waveform I always have believed in buying stuff at knock down prices, never pay full if nothing more than to get in at the ground floor even though I may not use a VST or app for a time
  19. Yes @Wibbles .. I too prefered it back then to FL Studio and bought it. Synapse have been sitting on it since 2015 .. am really surprised it has not been rereleased or at least appear for free on mags etc
  20. I still have this installed though it was discontinued in 2015. Shame as its a very nice tidy DAW. Similar idea to FLSTUDIO. Its still available as a download in my Synapse Audio account. Last version was 8.6. Seems its still being used. Im surprised someone hasnt re released this software if Synapse wont Below is an Italo disco track made using Orion in 2021 https://www.synapse-audio.com/news-orion-studio-86-isoutnow.html
  21. I suppose it also opens up the Q why another DAW on top of in my case - CW, Reaper, Ableton, Fruity and Reason lite I bought 11 a good while back but never really used it
  22. Upgrade to Waveform Pro V12 on CYBER MONDAY - Normally $99 .. if eligible $49.50. You need Waveform 11 license (Pro or OEM) https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform-pro-whats-new https://marketplace.tracktion.com/waveform-12-pro-upgrade.html Coupon is CYBER2022 or FRIDAY22
  23. CHIPSPEECH also looks interesting - bring out your inner Herbie hancock https://www.plogue.com/products/chipspeech.html Vintage speech synthesizer chipspeech is a vintage-style speech synthesizer which recreates the sound of famous 80′s voice synthesis chips. It features 12 different voices, each with its own characteristic timbre. It is specially tailored for musical needs – simply type in your lyrics, and then play on your MIDI keyboard. It’s a true synthesizer, the sound can be extensively modified for easy and expressive performances. chipspeech also features a circuit bending emulation, letting you not only recreate the insane and chaotic sound of a circuit bent TI speaking device, but also use it in a controlled, musical way.
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