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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Just installed NA2 .. and indeed, relative to NA1 it is a resource hog cpu wise etc. BUT I did see updates not in NA1 and we really only use NA to update, add new or uninstall so its not on all the time
  2. Tracktion Waveform Pro 12 - Upgrade from Waveform Pro 11 is $49.90 with the GROUP coupon
  3. For ages i have been keeping an eye on ECHOBOY and thinking some day Is it def worth the purchase? I hear good things about it, our kybrd player swears by it
  4. So as we near bid farewell to this PA sale. Whats left in the $5.99-$19.99 section thats worth picking up for FREE and doesnt bork your CPU OR in the $24.99 - $29.99 section https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  5. Yeah, I uninstalled and even deleted the download of a few gigs. I could put the space to better use
  6. Yip @rasure ... as @simon said. I will say this, I think I now know why Wedge Force Keemun was left in the $5.99-$19.99 bracket. I found it to be a resource hog, also takes ages to load and criples my core i5 system anyway. I uninstalled, luckly I got it for free. The down load / install is about 3GB I think So my 2 cents is dont bother "buying" it
  7. Just tried to update MASSIVE X and got a trojan alert from Windows Defender: So went looking via google and got this very recent post at NI Forums: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/11586/microsoft-defender-detects-trojan-script-on-update-file-of-massive-x Seems other "legit" applications are suffering from same issue when updated etc
  8. In comparison to same item here in EUROPE considering $99 is €92 / ST£80: At AMAZON M-Audio Store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/M-Audio-AIR-192-Studio-Grade-Instruments/dp/B07YZLN475?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 ST£152 or $186 plus shipping if you dont have prime Then at THOMANN: https://www.thomann.de/ie/m_audio_air_192_8.htm €179 or $193 plus shipping So someone is making really nice margin it would seem. Unfortunately we here in Europe wouldnt buy from US due to shipping costs and excise duties and VAT added. probably end up well over the high prices above
  9. Just to make sure people are aware. Vegas, Soundforge and other magix apps turn up quiet regularly in Humble Bundles. Typically you will pay about $25 for a bundle, never more really. The versions of Vegas, Soundforge etc would usually be 2 or 3 behind the latest version. So I imagine the next audio bundle from HB will include say Soundforge 14 Pro and/or Vegas Pro 19 ( Last HB Audio or Video bundle had SF 13 and Vegas 18 Pro So do keep an eye out. For last good few years this is how I have been upgrading SF and Vegas. Cannot argue with the price. Of course the HB with SF, Vegas comes with other software on top also that maybe useful https://www.humblebundle.com/software
  10. Same here, though I am on 13 and see no reason to upgrade from that. As with 13 i will wait for 14 or 15 to come out on Humble Bundle for $25 or so
  11. My upgrade from 8 is $99. Is it worth the upgr from 8 to 9.2? Im not sure it is. I already have SQ80 V and the augmented strings and voices I found to be resource hogs. I think Ill pass
  12. Check out there other offers inc 2 limited time decent size Midi and Sample packs: https://vstalarm.com/ They also have a Arturia Pigments preset bundle - 820 presets for $19 https://vstalarm.com/product/biome-bundle-for-pigments-by-vicious-antelope/
  13. Get a further 10% off with Coupon - VST10OFF Keep in mind, partic in Europe the prices in the OP are EX VAT
  14. Well @Wibbles you are getting $400 worth of software for $25 AND alot more in that bundle besides Sound forge, but for the $25 SF alone is well worth it
  15. @Wibbles I would keep an eye on HUMBLE BUNDLE so - https://www.humblebundle.com They WILL have an audio bundle at some point in a while with Soundforge Pro 14 in it along with possibly a newer version of ACID and VEGAS .. all for around $25 or so. Always an absolute steal and a no brainer. Last HB Audio bundle had Soundforge Pro 13 .. it always 2 or 3 steps behind the current version which is SF Pro 16 at the mo.
  16. TBH for years now I have been "upgrading" Soundforge, Acid and VEGAS via regular HUMBLE BUNDLES featuring all of them of a reasonably regular basis .. for princely sum of approx €25 Now at VEGAS 18 Pro & Soundforge Pro 13
  17. Though I have 6, i still steer toward 5 .. WHY? Because 5 loads far faster for me anyway and can load across a number of instances w/o cpu issues ( Core i5, 16GB Ram, SSD ) Nice GUIs are one thing, but I prefer performance
  18. @Esteban Villanova I am proof of its resilience even though its plastic. In that time I have dropped it 4 or 5 times, we have laminate and wood floors. No cracks or damage, still works. The plastic is very tough actually.
  19. @Esteban Villanova Glad to see you have joined the AUDIENT EVO 4 gang .. As a fellow geetarist, i have the same thing, bought it a year or more ago, have not looked back since. Great piece of kit in all respects plus the portability tween my laptop / dtop is the job
  20. @Patrick Derbidge So, having read your post I downloaded Synthesizer V, installed, opened and within 1 min using the Eleanor Forte Lite voice file, did this at 120bpm https://voca.ro/1js45JxLOHvA this is Eleanor_MixDown.mp3 Having installed the free Synth V app .. here are the free/LITE versions of the voice data files https://resource.dreamtonics.com/download/English/Voice Databases/Lite Voice Databases/ Here is the Synth V U/I with that quick piece i did above
  21. @Reid Rosefelt You mentioned re LA Sessions - NOT SOLO. Is this the case for "Female Soul Ensemble and Male Soul Ensemble", no way of just getting one voice or layering same? Its a mix of a few voices? True Legato? About the EMVOICE - Is it worth exploring? In general - Its more backing vox and not necessarily words - oohs aahs - male/female but mainly male
  22. Thanks guys, Have to say the closest i have come to what I was envisioning is this: https://emvoiceapp.com Installs as a VST, draws down the samples from cloud into a Melodyne type UI
  23. Thanks @Vernon Barnes .. I bought BLUE a long while back and currently cannot get it to open in Kontakt 5, 6 or 7 .. hangs. I emailed them earlier to get a solution. Might be a version issue and I need to upgrade. I did think this instrument may solve part of my request BUT it is FEMALE, dont think MALE singer is in this? Re EastWest Hollywood Backup Singers ... FEMALE only? Notice it is on sale at the mo for $149
  24. I add this here as its a request so I can be on the look out for deals or otherwise on decent solo vocal instrument / plugins to use in MODERN tracks vs say a choral track or a soundtrack. For a usage such as non verbal backing tracks. I think 8DIO sort of tried thsi with The Forgotten Voices series like Cait, but the control features in this were not great in my view. And no real AHs, Ooohs etc, more set phrases not very editable. Hope my description is understandable .. in a nutshell, rather than me recording AHH and layering it .. would be great if there was a solution with less choral but more contemporary vocal sounds
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