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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. After it authorised, that's when I noticed I had a few duplicates. Now what to do with the dups?
  2. Speaking of James Bond, I was listening to this last night and thought this would fit nicely in a JB movie.
  3. Stay safe Bill, and relocate to my side of the river (in the Sunshine state).
  4. I noticed in my AAS account, I have a bunch of duplicate serials. Am I allowed to sell the extras or possibly transfer the licenses to someone else?
  5. Thanks Marc, that library does sound beautiful.
  6. It goes really well with the Flutes of Fire....before you know it, you'll be doing a ceremonial aerophone version of Highway to Hell.
  7. Seeing how you have Road Fever, I ain't even going to say Honey Hush
  8. Actually, this was my first 4 track recorder (before moving on to a computer).
  9. Thanks Fleer for posting this, you've made all my AAS dreams come true. (somehow, that didn't sound right , but thank you )
  10. In case you might be interested, I posted a thread just before I got the Axe I/O here:
  11. I'm by no means qualified to give any advice on the mix, but have always had issues with getting good tones out of amp sims (generally too thin or boomy and lots of EQing needed). Then I got IK's Axe I/O which made a huge difference in getting good solid tones (at the initial gain stage). Now my amp sims sound like they're supposed to. I highly recommend it if you're a guitarist or a bass player....it's the closest thing to a real amp. Hopefully, someone will chime in on the mix.
  12. I have the other two amp packs (Discharged & Hidden Gems) which are really good. Definitely can't go wrong at the $6 price point...purchased.
  13. I'm also not a fan of the trackpad. Then again, you can't teach us old dogs new tricks......or can ewe?
  14. To rhyme without reason.....that is the question?
  15. Don't be silly Ed, of course it wasn't 'spumoni ice cream'.......it was gelato.
  16. Although I haven't used any of the high-end stuff that Jim's talking about, I have to agree with Peter on the Axe I/O. This is a huge improvement from the normal interfaces. The guitar tone is very close to playing through a real amp....not quite, but very close with full sound in the tonal spectrum. Greg, I would definitely check it out at a store (if possible) before buying.....it's very good.
  17. I got a Page 404: Sorry! Page not found. The article you requested has either been moved or removed from the site.
  18. Wishing you many happy returns of the day ZT!! ZT during a live performance!!
  19. Does Scaler work well in Cakewalk/Win10? The features look really good....useful plugin to get?
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