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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. 35 minutes ago, Brian Walton said:

    Whirlwind, Pro-Co, Planet Waves, Fender are all repuitable brands.

    They are not producing cables that have the properties that Evidence Audio or VanDenHul or Vovox are creating and I'd argue they are worth a dime more.  Are they worth $60+ more per cable, well that depends on the individual as well as the quality of the gear they are plugging in.  

    The current cable I'm using is actually from Whirlwind (a gift from my good buddy Daryl1968 who works for them) and do like it a lot (a  big improvement from the cable I've used for decades).

    Man, this music gear can be one huge rabbit hole that never ends...

    Truly appreciate the excellent tips and info Brian. Of course, I'm just a hobbyist musician and don't have the high end gear to justify these "top of the line" cables, but it certainly is very interesting and very useful. :)



  2. I traded my UAD account awhile back (after having it for years) as I just couldn't afford/justify to keep up with their prices. Like the good King said "if I was doing this for a  living"....it would be a different story. Great plugins with a great price tag.

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  3. 14 hours ago, batsbrew said:

    i have all of my cables custom made.


    a vendor called Performance Audio is just .5 mile from my work,

    their prices are excellent.

    i usually ask for Mogami or Canare cable, and whatever end i need, typically Neutrik.

    ends up being just as cheap as the cheaper cables i would buy at GC or sweetwater.


    Hey Bats, do you request/specify all the individual connectors (i.e. connector A, B, color boot, color ring etc...) from here: https://www.performanceaudio.com/custom-cables-1-4-ts-instrument-cable-made-from-canare-gs-6-neutrik-connectors.html or speak with them and tell them what you generally want?


    I have  no idea about those connectors and wouldn't know which ones to pick...



  4. Great info guys and very, very helpful indeed. Some of those high end cables are quite pricey and not sure if I can justify the purchase to my CFO at home, but will try to get something good that fits my need/price.

    Thanks Paulo for the link, it led me to their instrument cable site: https://www.wireworldproaudio.com/instrument.html#instcables


    Very interesting technology, quality, and detail going into these cables.....definitely a worth looking into.

  5. I'm looking for a good quality instrument cable (after seeing the video below around the 9:20 mark...Wirewell Cable). Did a search online for it, but couldn't find a dealer for it. What do you guys use and recommend?

    This video was also very informative.



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