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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. well bill, i never really got to know you, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I never thought about what my studio smells like, I'll have to get back to you. but Happy Birthday! and everybody else too
  2. Whoa! I imagine there are others in the world with more music, but that is one herculean endeavor! Rock on!
  3. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13885130
  4. I can spot a ranch hand from a country mile you go mutha
  5. I was born a poor white child and you know what that means my pops was a farmer at heart but my mother burned her bra dad was cool with that because she could get jiggety so it was the city for us striving for the middle class dam was it a row to hoe but what did I know, prepubescent and all my first guitar I bought from my Sis, who was really a bro I gived her $50, for a Hohner HG 90 still have it I do I tried the piano because my mother wanted to be a nun but practice was out of the question I am glad she was not a nun, my mother that is, cause can't say if I would be here today so anyway I am an amalgam How often should I change my strings?
  6. this is very nice If you want to have me add some vocals to this just let me know though it might be your first cakewalk production something tells me this is not your first rodeo am i right?
  7. Hey esoul you might be right I know him, I saw the REM movie he was in, about the moon. that cat is dead, but I sure do remember that song. Is REM still around?
  8. I didn't know, I thought it was maybe Kenny's band. The next time I see my angel I'll show her this post. That is really crazy, but I suppose anything is possible with string theory and quantum physics. By the way, the cat is dead,
  9. ? Kenny, your posts are always the best! Who are those two old guys?
  10. so since the donkey wavered and left me stone cold postrate my angel has nursed me her otherwise plenty though I nuzzled and fell in between she said to me "isn't it time for you to be on your way?." I was taken aback by her afrontery but knew she was right so I collected my rucksack and bid her goodbye the last thing she said before I set out was "no one ever falls going upstairs"
  11. yo sloop you are a musically prodigious sort and you wear your heat on your sleeve that is why i love what you do, but just imagine that your's is one view among many especially in the land of the free in my simple understanding god should bless us all and we are all blessed would you not agree but I digress if you post it you own it never apologize for something that you feel there may be many or few that feel as you do and nobody will know what you mean exactly but i do believe this 99% of we want to be free but more than that we want to be given an opportunity but opportunities come few and far between unless you make them yourself and then who is to say that any one cares besides you so post your vibes and let them be as they are you have you and that is all that should matter
  12. Who are these kids you speak of, and whose mp3 are they buying? I can't even get my Mother to listen to my music let alone my friends buying it. But since you asked, I will say that they will go to Djibouti, East Africa, to pound salt at Lake Assal.
  13. nice, I could have sworn that I was listening to Jesse Ed Davis, like from his "keep Me Coming" album, I love your voice for that reason alone. but enough for comparisons. You have a cool sound. Who are your influences, just curious also got a chance to listen to Gentle hours of Evening, and Crawl. definitely something very cool going on here. Move to New York, get some players, and put your shingle out in the dives, you might be surprised.
  14. The thing that stuck me most in the article was "By far the most rewarding part of the journey has been the support of a vibrant and growing community of new users and long time supporters, who have made a home in our new discussion forums." I have to say that I am not really noticing the growing "community" of new users. When I step over to the bandlab site I see crazy busy activity, but I have no idea how many of those users know about CbB. When I come to the CbB forum it seems like a fantastic brew pub with a terrible location. Practically Everybody who is there raves about the quality, but there are a lot of empty tables. I am not sure how airing the dirty laundry of the past helps promote the product other than exhibiting the persistence of the platform. I would have liked to see the article extol the virtues more staunchly, instead of the simple bullet list under "What does Cakewalk look Like Now?" Otherwise, it was great to see CbB get a nod outside of the enclave. I have only used one other DAW, and that was Adobe Audition, but they do not support midi platform in any significant way (it is a great wave editor). I love Cakewalk DAW, I dabbled with others, but I'll dance with the girl that brung me Anyway, that's my little squeak, germane or not.
  15. Abull, you are a song smith really nice arrangement lots of real cool elements weaving in and out. this is top notch in the sense that not only does it have your style it is just very well constructed. every song I comment on in the song forum has something that stands out, it could be the emotion, it could be the urgency, it could be individual instrumental talent, or it could be the overall talent. I could tear this song apart and comment on each 8 bars, because there is something going on in each segment. I think everyone should listen very close to this song and notice the nuances. I think this would make a great theme song for a quirky netflix sitcom, you know, a dysfunctional family with separated spouses and the man starts to hit the bottle after he finds out she found someone who tickled her fancy more that he ever could. outstanding!
  16. Mr. Furry man, I loved it. I am glad t see you do something like this. Yes, very dark, and dense. It was like going backwards in slow motion on an upside down roller coaster in the dark and the attendant has left the gate at the queue for a tete a tete with the bearded fat lady and all the while my mother has put out an amber alert for her kitty kat that is sleeping in a shoe box in the basement bedroom closet LOVED IT
  17. she came to me in the middle of a dream and asked if she could do as she pleased and i said go ahead, hello, please tell me which one is better. I know that both versions are veryy gritty, and i can clean it up, but one is bigger just let me know i lose my way at 1:40, i think, but if you hang on until 3:00 there is some coll effect please excuse the long fade out https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13882262 https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13882260
  18. Don't kid yourself, you do eed more synths. A synth a day keeps the doctor away.
  19. Not exactly, I remixed this, which I guess could be going back into the womb, then I went to soundclick to "replace" the first version with a new one, and for some reason the new version won't play. I'm still trying to figure it out. That's great Freddy. I will patiently wait.
  20. I know it sounds crazy but it is so snzkexote collect yourself if you can I was progressing onwards donkey was acting tame then the wind picked up\ I din't know if I should step in close or back away it didn't matter donkey kicked i fell backward woke up three days later donkey was gone but an angel came unto me she salved my woundx held me tight she did hang
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