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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13903982 sorry freddy freddy, who is really SPIDEY WEBB did all the guitar all i did was the drums and the voclas this is so over that it is catsup
  2. Hello Gary and esoul, yes, the song is no longer there. I have a general rule that if I post a song and it falls off the first page of the song forum without receiving any comments I delete it from my soundclick page because I figure it wasn't any good. This song received no comments. The song in question had probably even fallen off the second page. Gary, thanks for digging so deep, and sorry about the lost time and bandwidth trying to play it.
  3. D 68, song is arranged nicely. Very clear recording. Your buddy Tom has a nice voice, did you tweak it with melo d at all? Love the lyrics. The bass sits nice. Are you inputing through anything other than the RME? The middle at 1:50 is sweet, takes talent to make those middles mesh. The guitar tone on the solo is to die for, I sure would be curios as to what the order of devices was on that, or is that an ancient druid secre? Yes, nice
  4. Hello Bob, as always, great guitar work and vocals I hear some very "interesting" transitions and drum fills. Interesting in the sense that they were unique and I had to change gears listening wise. In fact , now that I think about it, since it is a song about cruising down the highway, those interesting parts are like when you shift gears in a manual transmission...there is that little pause where the engine rpm slows before the tranny pops into the next gear, and the pedal goes to the floor again. I do not listen to a lot of this style so I am not up on trends of this genre, so I will let others with more knowledge make the specifics ideas but the more I think about it, the more I am liking it, back for another listen
  5. Jesse Screed


    Bjorn, stop it! We never say "we suck," We say, "I do my thang, my way...damn to the detractors. I shall not be one, especially unto myself (Which you did say, but not until after you said you suck.) I suggest to leave the suck part out, you will meet more folks just like you. Great simple tune, with meaning.
  6. Jesse Screed


    outstanding! made me cry, touched me it did nothing more to say
  7. I have never used reverb, except that which was already on an amp sim preset, a vsti preset, or the ambiance from the room in which I mic'ed my instruments or voice. So I have nothing to add, except to agree, that you should experiment. Lawdy, lawdy, what a conundrum I find myself in.
  8. excellent vocals very nice guitar work, slinky and you always have a good drum beat
  9. quirkiest thing I've heard in a long time nice salad excellent guitar towards the end there mobius mahn
  10. I am so sorry to hear that. I have no words to allay your pain. My heart did skip a beat. I hate to hear things like this. May solace find you in your loss.
  11. Bjorn, thanks. I hope you continue to prosper. Bob, you are always a positive force, thanks Daryl, you are a forum cornerstone. Whenever you comment it means much. Jon, I would love to. Joad, I love it when people compare music to others, It exposes me to new music I have never heard. Now I need to look up Ricky Williams Flipper. esoul, my vocal chain in this was like this. I was in a much larger room, actually it was a dome with 16 foot ceiling and 32 foot diameter. The mic was an at4033 going into a vs100. I dropped some la2a post. I don't think I did any eq tweaks on that track. I will experiment with this more, unfortunately I don't always get to record in the dome. It will be back to the box soon. Freddy, thanks for taking the risk. You did not dismiss my request to collab. In fact you freely responded. Even though it was a struggle to get the files, you didn't give up, and you gave me free rein. I had intentions to go full Q with your guitar, but something in my head kept saying "why do you want to eff something this good up." so I played it straight. If you ever have some abandoned files that you have come to a dead end with maybe we could do this again. That goes for anybody actually, I would collab with anybody. But Freddy, you were my first forum collab.
  12. she's my girlfriend doot don'tz got to go nowhere
  13. GUN GUUN https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13893932 Freddy J did a collab with me he did everything but the vocals, and the harmonica, he did the bass and all the guitars, and the drum too Freddy, thank you so much, you are a special person
  14. rhetorical question if you have a car that won't start, and you take it to the mechanic to get it "fixed," and it starts, and then three weeks later it won't start again, so you take it to the mechanic again and they get it started, and three weeks later it won't start again, so you take it to the mechanic and they get it to start and three weeks later it won't start again...... Is it really fixed?
  15. I reallly like the Bonzo Pak. But even more I like Jamstix. There is a serious learning curve to use it at full throttle, however if you take the time to even scratch the surface you will be rewarded. I jumped on the Modo Drum train, I am hoping Jamstix will integrate with MD. I jump on a lot of trains because I read this stoopid deals forum, but I jump off a lot of trains too. I have not jumped off the Jamstix train. I like the Bonzo Pak, and this is a good price. Thanks Larry
  16. Hello Gary, thanks for sharing all that info. I am the kind of person who likes to know more about the people I like. Your sharing adds to my appreciation of who you are, what you are doing, and why you are excited (as you should be.) I would never imagine you to be "stuck up on your own """"" You have never come across like that in any of your posts. Before this I always thought of you as the kind of guy that would make a great friend, and I believe that even more now, after you shared your story. I would praise you even more for being a Foster Parent to six kids! I work with a lot of Foster Children, and they have special needs that only special people can address. I think you should get an award just for that. In my life, my music pales to the work I do with Children, and I would guess that you too would say "successfully raising six Foster Children means more than anything." So although what I said in my previous post may have been a bit misconstrued, as all written word is won't to do, I am a little bit glad that it compelled to share your life story. That's why I like to shop at the Farmers Market, I get to meet the people who planted the seed, tended the rows, chased away the crows, and harvested the food I will use to sustain me. I also feel the same way about the music I listen too. And Gary, your story gave me pause, and reaffirmed my belief that I am surrounded by remarkable people. I am sorry if I came across as rude, because you really have every reason to be happy and to shout it out loud. Peace my friend!
  17. Gary, please don't take offense to what I am about to say. I have thought a lot about this subject, on whether we as artists are popular because of what we do. I really think your success has less to do with you "doing something right," and more to do with being in the right place at the right time, paired with a dose of luck. Now let me explain further, I am not saying you do not have talent (which you obviously do), or that you have not practiced your ***** off to hone your skills (which you obviously have), or that you are not a handsome dude that all the kids are attracted to (which you obviously are), that is all beside the question. Remember that time we went to that little club on a Monday night, and there were only six other people in the joint, and there happened to be some live music, and the band knocked us out with their performance, and we kept asking ourselves why these kids weren't breaking out nationally, and we found out they had to pay the owner to play that night. Remeber? Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it. Ride that wave baby!!!!! You are killing it, just keep stepping up to the plate and swing at the ball! Congrats, you deserve it.
  18. Hello all, I have not tried this yet, but, do you need Melodyne for this to work? I have not validated Melodyne on the computer at the dome, but would if that is needed. Thanks
  19. David, I did miss you, but mostly I was hoping you were OK, plus, you write good music, so stick around for awhile. I hope the surgery went well?
  20. To Joad Daryl John B Gary and Spak, Thanks for the listen. I know that my stuff is not necessarily a perfect match for this song forum, but it is the only place I know or care to post, except for SoundClick (where I never get comments), But I always get a kick out of reading the comments. It's all in fun for me, and when I hit a clinker I will hear that too, all good. Thanks again for taking the time!
  21. Hello Myriad, thanks for asking. The guitar is a Hohner HG 90 made in Japan about 1980. It has a Fishman Rare Earth pickup in the sound hole. and went direct into a Roland vs100. I had post effects of Fabfilter Saturn using the Acoustic Picker setting and tweaked the bands to taste, mostly just rolled off the low end. Then I went through the IK White 2A to get about 1 db compression. That was run to the Master where I did some gentle tweaks to taste, but nothing groundbreaking, magic, or secret. So kudos to your ears for noticing that it was plugged in. When I was listening on playback the guitar did sound kind of digital to me too, not terribly so, but some. It's funny, I am virtually deaf in one ear, but it seems that over time I am starting to hear anomalies in music, my own and others. I was listening to soome zep today, songs from Presence, and I had to keep rewinding to see if I was really hearing what I did.
  22. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13893118 WTF
  23. Jesse Screed

    Your Man

    This song reminds me a whole lot of Joxh Turner. Where I come from country music is the# 3 genre on virtually all radio stations I can get over the air, third only to crop reports and weather. and you did a great job
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