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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. I had a cat, but I must have left the door open now the lady on the fidst floor has a cat
  2. i missed the bus so I had to walk home it was hot the milk got spoiled, but the summer squash was okay
  3. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13920371
  4. there is one other thing I wanted to say they have summer squash on sale at the food store there was a lady there, she said go back to Spain to me
  5. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13920371 my doctor wants to up my meds she says get off that I don't know if she gets it?
  6. I smell you doot If I could get those pigons to quit dropping in i probably could do better. it was not a great time we need salt to survive
  7. Jesse Screed

    girls loose

    https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13920061 magic
  8. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13915912
  9. Yes, it's all I got today. OK, after listening to this again, I realize there is something wrong with the drums. They sound way off. What I think happened is that the drums were set to omni and when I recorded the pitch bend for the bass it also reacted with the drums. I will put a new mix up later, and then this song will be mostly weird instead of totally weird.
  10. OK, after listening to this again, I realize there is something wrong with the drums. They sound way off. What I think happened is that the drums were set to omni and when I recorded the pitch bend for the bass it also reacted with the drums. I will put a new mix up later, and then this song will be mostly weird instead of totally weird. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13915426 but I will leave this up until that time, I must be off to the daily grind.
  11. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13915117 if anybody would like to chime in, I would render it out pm me
  12. Nothing will ever top this, For me at least, because I feel what you are sharing thank you so much
  13. Hey My Brother, I did not find you unpleasant in anyway at all. My music has been sorted as genius to garbage. I don't care. I was just expressing myself to my reality, take it with a grain. What I do care about is that you actually listened to it. Don't mind all the asterisks, I was just making a point about censorship. The only way to combat free speech is with more free speech. Now if you may allow me to go off on a soliloquy Roses are not always red Violets are not always blue the measure of our success is how we perceive me and you If you are hateful you will surely find hate If you are tolerant you will surely find tolerance The above gibberish has nothing to do with anything, Thanks for listening, and thanks for expressing yourself, the first take is not always the best take, it goes both ways, and here we are now. I would surely lend a hand if you would take it. SEND ME BACK LOCK ME UP
  14. I can't even make a living busting my ***** for the man so what the ***** does this matter
  15. *****ing kick ***** ***** ***** the rumours engine red ***** yes kick that steel bitch drag on drag on
  16. I could not agree more I have a hard time being careful what I say
  17. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13911820 one of these days and it won't be long you'll look for me and I'll be gone she fa doe
  18. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13911125
  19. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13910556 20 4 16 OR 16 4 20
  20. I know Freddy, and who would want to? cept those "square the circle" people like you, and a smattering of others. I have a serious problem and I can't shake itl I have a new one called "el paco es locos" but it seems like spitting into the wind nobody goes to the All Night China Buffet everyday so i will languish and make a salad
  21. Hello all, Because I generate a project practically everyday, And because over half of them lead to nowhere (IMO?). Thus taking over gigs of space, As well as leading to confusion, I am reviewing, and deleting many of them. I store all audio on per project basis, so when I delete a project, am I deleting all remnants of it, or are bits of it stored elsewhere besides the project folder? And if bits are stored elsewhere, where should I look to delete those bits too? Also, when I choose to rename a project, should I use the Save As function, or just go into the file folder and change it there? Does the Save As function create another project? I looked in the manual, but could not make sense of it. I am not good at making sense, sometimes. Thanks!
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