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Everything posted by Lionel

  1. Looks like it could be the Steam(steam powered.com) of music software
  2. I have a dedicated email address for all of my music-related stuff. Keeps my main email mostly spam free But even with my dedicated email for music stuff, there’s certain devs/companies that email waaaay too much. In those cases, they are insta-unsubscribed.
  3. I do not, but I'll definitely look into it now. Thanks for the heads up! Thanks! I'm definitely green to orchestration. I'll definitely check this one out!
  4. Audio demos sound great! But I’m very green to orchestral libraries. How does this stack up against the competition?
  5. Basically the same guts. They abandoned updating the installer/plugin(only for older OS)… Then, they release the same plugin, but with a slightly different name, minor changes and an updated installer(for new OS). Before it was offered as a freebie on PB, ppl were very critical of A.I.R. for that move… Essentially, an attempt to make more money on basically the same plugin, when they could easily just update the plugin/installer instead.
  6. Very interesting. I very much see this as competition to human-created content. Skynet’s coming for us all, hah
  7. That's one helluva deal! As someone that paid full price for V Collection 7, I'm hella jealous at this amazing price Absolute no-brainer. But dang... great find and rock on! That's what I call an early Christmas gift! ??
  8. For sure! I could put something together. And hopefully I could get a lot of input from everyone. I'll DM you
  9. Someone should make a website, sticky forum post or database of all the software and hardware that companies have decided not to support anymore… maybe call it the Pro Audio Graveyard or something. I know this kind of info can be found by googling. But this would be a nice consolidated resource to see which companies are just all about the dollar bill. Just a thought Would definitely help customers make more informed decisions on what products to buy and which companies to support.
  10. Yep! I’ve been keeping an eye on those. Might just get one for the right price
  11. Good to know. Sounds interesting. As for faders, unless they’re recallable/motorized, it’s literally just a weird experience(for me, at least… I’ve got those faders on my Arturia 61 keys). Also, for such a compact and portable product, I can only imagine those faders breaking off at some point if you transport in a not-so-secure backpack.
  12. If Arturia didn’t add the faders, I’d be all over this. I could use a portable controller. Endless rotary encoders are waaay more useful than faders IMO.
  13. I’m currently invested in Arturia(and Korg). I own the Keylab Essential 61 MKII and it’s my main controller. Kinda irked by how soon the MKIII was released. But, no biggie. It seems as though Arturia maintains and updates drivers for all their old products pretty well. Time will tell. When I was looking for a new midi controller, one of the main factors was longevity(how long a company updates drivers) and an “undo” button(sounds basic, but critical for me). I was basically looking for the RME of midi controllers. From the little research that I did, I found that Korg, Arturia and Nektar ticked that box. If memory serves me correct, Novation too. For reference, my Korg KONTROL49 was from the mid-2000s. It’s just amazing that Korg has maintained drivers to this day. That really makes me gravitate to their products more. One of the things that turns me off about NI gear is that you have to fill-out a form to transfer ownership. Not a big deal for some, but for me it is. If you buy NI gear used/secondhand w/o transfer of ownership, everything still works… it just doesn’t show up on your NI account(for potentially discounted sw upgrade perks and free sw downloads). Stay away from M-Audio like the plague. I’ve purchased a few of the controllers over the years. They don’t maintain their drivers. Luckily, I’m a windows user. So, I’m able to use old drivers on Win 10/11. Be wary of which company you buy your next USB product from ⚠️
  14. I think you made the right decision in going with NEKTAR. They don't have too many product offerings. And their bread-and-butter are midi controllers. So, I'm pretty sure they'll keep updating their drivers for years to come.
  15. That's a bummer. Out of curiosity, what other dead hardware do you still have? Me... I paid about 1200 dollars for a brand new M-Audio Projectmix I/O in 2006... amazing control surface. Drivers are definitely not updated anymore. It's a glorified doorstop now, lol ?
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