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Everything posted by Lionel

  1. I usually see brands like Mackie and M-Audio having their monitors on sale via Musicians Friend(Stupid Deal Of The Day) What brands are you interested in?
  2. $50 coupon plus 20% off brought Diamond bundle down to $176 for me. //I already own Creative Edition and a couple of other plugins I think I'll just wait for BF/CM to get the Diamond bundle. I have a feeling it'll be cheaper then.
  3. VST3 and/or CLAP support would be the difference-maker for me to support Pro Tools again. But right now... I'm happy with Ableton and Reason
  4. I wonder how much Cakewalk Sonar will be ?
  5. Ah, okay... Thanks. That's what I thought.
  6. If you purchase from a 3rd party store, do you still get a monthly coupon?
  7. Don’t think the issue is just with the browser… you may have something going on with your computer. Might want to do some scans/clean-up, if you haven’t do so already
  8. Kinda like this company in this recent article below: https://petapixel.com/2023/09/15/adobe-hikes-creative-cloud-prices-as-it-reports-record-revenue/ If you're too busy to read it, it essentially says... AI/Added Features = Increase in subscription price. That's why subscriptions, for the most part, are never a good thing. They can easily raise the price on a whim. And if you ever cancel your subscription, you can't re-open your old projects. The greediness is real. As much as possible, try not to support greedy companies.
  9. So… they keep updating Vinyl, but they chose not to do that with Trash and just kill it off. (Release dates in 2004 and 2003 respectively, I believe). Interesting ? //Ya ya, I know they’re two different types of plugins
  10. Right on! I miss these posts too. We all need a little downtime here and there… from making music and checking out the latest deals on this forum. See? It’s definitely a music-related and deals-related post ? Please keep posting these reminders ?
  11. Good to know! PB is actually a good one-stop-shop to download any future updates, when needed.
  12. I already purchased PolyMax last year and own a handful of UAD and Spark plugins. Wasn't lucky enough to receive that sweet $99 deal ? I'm thinking $199 might be the best price for Creative Edition, unless BF/CM has something better. I think I'm gonna wait this one out.
  13. Really great prices. But is the smart move waiting for BF/CM, which is around the corner? Anyone know if those bundles have been cheaper before?
  14. If that March 26, 2023 debacle never happened, I'd be all over this deal.
  15. Looks like an amazing and fun piece of software!
  16. $29 for version 2(full) which just came out recently... Amazing deal! Just bought it. Thanks OP! But it's gotta be an error. Everywhere else it's selling for $89 intro price. If you like D16 plugins, I'd recommend getting this before they fix the price.
  17. You’re totally right. I did a quick search in my email inbox… found an email with a unique code! I need to check my emails more often ? I actually don’t mind. I can just print the track(s) with the FX
  18. You're right. I just verified for myself. I really wanted this dang plugin too. I'm guessing it was a single-use personalized coupon, perhaps?
  19. Softube stopped supporting mkI not too long ago, correct?
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