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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. You sold one without keeping one for you first?
  2. Larry has one on sale at 40$ at KVR. I would gladly take it at this price...
  3. Can I buy your other one if it goes through, but not my order from MF?
  4. At this price, they must have been flooded with orders. If they process them all, they will need many serial numbers from Output.
  5. Still processing for my order.
  6. Just found out the thread. Me too would like to get it. If anyone could order it for me before it get fixed, I would send 30 USD in Paypal. I'm going to bed now, but will send it tomorrow morning. Thanks in advance! Edit: Was able to order through a VPN. Waiting for my serial.
  7. I mostly used so far Analog Strings, Analog Brass and Winds, and Exhale.
  8. I have the complete bundle, except Portal, but strangely, my upgrade price on sale is less than 25% off than my regular upgrade price.
  9. If you use Kontakt 6, you need presets in Kontakt 6 as well, not in 5.
  10. I know the difference. It’s just that I don’t understand the benefit to buy both at full price.
  11. I’d jump on it if only I could grab Jamstix on sale.
  12. From a description I read, at least one of the EZX contains 2 kits from the SDX. So you bought them twice?
  13. Those asking for free vouchers from others without actually never buying anything must not have helped.
  14. It took some years from 9 to 10, but not long from 10 to 11...
  15. Does it sometimes happens to you that you don't buy?
  16. Maybe it’s only me, but with what’s already include in S1, I’m not sure when I would need to use this package.
  17. Because I own it, I received an offer from them to upgrade from Volume 2 to 3 for 75$. I’m tempted.
  18. Thanks Bapu. To help make up my mind, I downloaded the American Class A demo version. The full version currently comes free with Console 1. I put it up on all tracks, and after some tweaking, the results are amazing. I really think I will get it this time!
  19. I heard rumors that he might be stuck under a pile of thousands of plugins he owns.
  20. Would Bapu be kind enough to answer my question? Thanks!
  21. I received a 20% off discount code to use on top of the sale.
  22. Yeah, I understand.. Tough decision...
  23. I'm waiting for the voucher to bring it down to 25$.
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