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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. Don't think so. From KVR: With coupon HALF: Gold for $42.50, SSL bundle for $50, OneKnob Series for $40
  2. I got it recently and am so glad I did.
  3. I thought it was a good idea to inform people from a KVR post. I went to MF to check, search Waves brand, and all are discounted. Next time, I will keep it to myself. My bad.......
  4. Musician's Friend and Guitar Center both are currently offering another 50% off the already discounted prices that Waves and other sellers are running at this time. Many of the better plugins can be had for $15, $20 and $25 each.
  5. Nostradameus was right, now we have a 25$ voucher valid until tomorrow with minimum spending of 49$...
  6. Mark my words: There will be a special voucher available to everyone before the end of this sale...
  7. Thanks for helping my wallet feels light all year long!
  8. What about the Guitar total bundle?
  9. I bought the Orchestra Complete on the current sale, while there was a price error at Kontakthub, and it’s really great.
  10. Same thing for me! Now it's 59,50$!
  11. Still a better deal than the current sale price.
  12. Great, their first Xmas sale of the year!
  13. When you want something explosive in your track, add C4
  14. Support for my Faderport 8 and Atom! Great, maybe time to register the serial I bought a while ago to ugrade from Bitwig version 1.
  15. I bought Albion Legacy on fire sale with a special upgrade price to Albion One. That's why I get those libraries for free.
  16. I bought an upgrade to all soundbanks recently, so nothing left to give me.
  17. Already have those as free and the 2 freebies from this year so I prefer freebies over bigger discounts.
  18. You can download everything you want, samples or complete packs, or use their online plugin browser to use only what you want.
  19. Better with a Noiiz subscription where you can download a lot more stuff for less money and keeps everything forever.
  20. In the past, their servers had a ton of problems, and it was a real mess for hours, and people were unhappy. They fix it, so the servers are going well, and the copies fly faster, and people are unhappy... They pay for any Kontakt player licenses, so they can't give unlimited ones...
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