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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. I don't know, for native English speakers maybe? I've heard it's some slang. I agree it's not a very catchy or sexy name for a plugin format, but also not that bad.
  2. I've barely made any purchases in the last months and I still get the 75. I think you should be good.
  3. Pretty shure it's nice and all. I'm not buying from them (audioplugindeals).
  4. That would involve me interacting with another human being. I already visited my parents today. Enough is enough. Ok, this was just GAS talk then. I really shouldn't be doing this. My money is already gone since I splurged on a Novation Peak and Roland TR8S this weekend. Damn you people. I'm waiting for BF. Too bad if the upgrade will be less interesting than now.
  5. Yes, thanks! But the description on JRR says MPS 4.1, and Neutron 3. Are they just not up to date with the description or am I buying what I already have? Audiodelux seems to have a more accurate descripption. And will the upgrade work with 'just' MPS4?
  6. Now hold on. I was really on the fence about this upgrade. I have MP4 (NOT 4.1), but this is something else I guess... Are you guys sure this will work?
  7. I'm in the same boat. But I use the chorus and plate pretty often. Haven't played around with Tape though. But I bought the upgrade. I don't think a better deal will rise again shortly. Maybe with BF, but that may be just about the same.
  8. Finally a way to run a project with Gold, Magenta and Titanium on every track. Still, better increase your latency.
  9. I got it for 73. I should have waited...but hey you win some you lose some.
  10. They don't seem to be stackable, or I'm doing something wrong.
  11. I guess I'm lucky? I don't have to go back to Groove3. I could just buy every plugin separately, enter the same code every time and every time I got 25 off.
  12. I don't know, it seems I can still use it. Maybe not directly through Groove3. But if you wrote te code down, you can still apply it to the cart.
  13. That is insane value. I'm also looking at SplitEQ. With the Groove3 trick it's cheaper than it has ever been. Edit: Quick maths time: I already have Blackhole. The entire H9 series is €190 on sale right now for the bundle. Using the Groove3 perk for all the other H9 plugins (10 of them) would give me the ENTIRE H9 series for €40. That is 150 lower than the current sale and around 435 lower than normal price.
  14. Nice! I was planning to get Indie Voices sometime when it would be on sale. Now it is free!
  15. Weird coincidence. I was looking around for a SH-01A boutique in the last couple of days, but couldn't really justify the price for something that would add something, but not a lot to my setup. So I was looking into second hand. And suddenly, there is Softube. This is great!
  16. "For one week only get Neon Circuits free with any order! Use coupon code FREENEON at checkout." https://oblivionsoundlab.com/
  17. I got around to installing everything this weekend. I did not have the patience to do everything manually, so I just used the PM with a custom installation folder. Everything seemed to have worked. But I will check the GS-V and Syner-V. Got some lovely sounds out of it so that's a plus. Also got multiple crashes of Ableton when using it (I think I used the Sampletank VST), so that's a definite minus.
  18. Weird, I got my 75 and the generic 25. That being said and not to hijack a thread, but my 75 voucher is also up for grabs. First to PM gets it.
  19. And here I am, thinking "oh crap, now I have to buy this one like I always do, whilst I am in the middle of saving up for some hardware and not buying plugins". Went through my account, seems like I already have my desired K13 (Ultimate). Pfew, I would like to thank myself for saving myself from buying something for myself which I myself already bought for myself.
  20. Well, I'm not UNinterested. As it happens I don't have a lot of the PA plugins and the Izotope upgrades seem nice. I'm waiting for black friday though. No rush in getting it now. I didn't bite on the 4.1 upgrade and this one too can wait.
  21. So I don't want to go through 41 pages, but does installing the Synronik 2 content from a version 1 synth, let's say the 303, also install the same content which was present in the 1 version? Or just the extra version 2 content? In other words, do I need to worry about double sound content all over my drives?
  22. Ah yes you are absolutely right. I stand corrected.
  23. And the answer is yes, it works. Bought 1.5 SE and the kits show up. Don't ask me how, because I have the feeling I have authorized it 3 times, installed it 2 times and had to load the plugin 5 times before anything showed up. I'm having the same problems with Syntronik where everything shows up in Sampletank, not in Syntronik only a couple of downloaded new synths from Syntronik 2. And I have install files all over my drives now. I'm glad for the sale, less glad for the entire process.
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