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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. I listened to some demo's, sounds and presets. I'm completely sold. I don't need 20 ultra realistic keyboards. I love these creative presets but also the option to get the raw thing. Keyscape and Pianoteq are gone, this fits my needs (well, more wants) so much more!
  2. Haha indeed. Hold on...I think I have one of those. That front looks familiar. Alright I checked. I think I have one from the same family. No open top or glass side though, but it looks pretty similar otherwise.
  3. One from my wishlist. But only the electric bundle. But I really like the sound of the rest. Now the question is, how does it stack up against the likes of Keyscape and Pianoteq? Opinions?
  4. They are not the same type of product. Smart EQ3 does some very smart EQ stuff (what's in a name) and is in my opinion a great mixing tool. It's also a great starting point for EQing individual tracks. Gulfoss is more of a 'make that specific thing sound better' tool. And that thing can be an individual track, bus or a master. Long story short, Smart EQ3 for mixing, Gulfoss for 'make it sound better magic'.
  5. Hmmm, I'm not yet convinced. I skipped last year because The Stack wasn't really to my liking. Now I have some items on my wishlist I would like to have, but the freebie gives me a 'we put BBCSO through RC20' vibe.
  6. And I would like to add Morphit to this list. My go to solution for headphone correction.
  7. Kilohearts doesn't have presets, but the interface is very minimal (it's their style) and very easy to operate.
  8. If you are considering free, may I suggest the Kilohearts gate. It works perfectly fine. https://kilohearts.com/products/gate De-esser: The Techivation T-De-esser Plus: https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8164-T-De-Esser The gate and de-esser from Fabfilter are about the only ones I don't want from them and I feel don't justify the price. I got my eye on that Volcano 2 though...
  9. Non taken. But I took the trouble of checking that. Which you could have done because it would have saved me the time. The Fabfilter and Goodhertz sales were indeed posted, so my apologies. On the other hand, it's Black Friday, so duplicate topics are going to happen. I can't seem to find the Devious Machines or Minimal Audio posts, but maybe I'm overlooking something? So, 50% is not "most if not all". A 50% discount is not "most of all of the price has been dropped" ? I'm competing against Larry here.
  10. "Goodhertz has been making plugins for eight years! To celebrate, all plugins are 30%-off for the next 8 days." So that's until 1 dec I guess? https://goodhertz.com/
  11. 25% off. https://deviousmachines.com/shop or at Plugin Boutique: https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/235-Devious-Machines- The Everything bundle doesn't seem to be included and neither is the Percussive Layers for Texture (which was free in a previous sale if I remember correctly).
  12. https://www.minimal.audio/ 35% off. Which for example makes Rift 2.0 €83,85 instead of €129. Also at Plugin Boutiquq where the discount is somehow 34%. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/311-Minimal-Audio
  13. 25% off. See https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/56-FabFilter or https://www.fabfilter.com/ and login for a personal offer when you already own plugins.
  14. Well, not for "a system", for most DAW systems. I like to render a video from time to time and a dedicated GPU saves me some time. Note that this is just a normal GPU, I'm not talking about those RTX4090Ultra-buy-a-new-case-otherwise-it-wont-fit cards.
  15. Indeed, I was hoping there would be. I think it is included in the Amp room Marshall Edition. That's on sale for 195 which is more expensive than Amp room not on sale.
  16. I have a couple of their plugins on my wishlist. Including Fosfat, very interesting plugin.
  17. Kclip3 is an absolute must! The only one I want is True dynamics (already have almost everything except the newest stuff).
  18. PM sent. Forgotten Voices Terrie is on my list. I will add a cheap library like Clocks.
  19. Don't know yet, but it's a lot of presets (over 2400). I remember Vanguard (1) being one of my first encounters with a VST. Very reckonizable sound at that time, so it has some pedigree. Edit: could be an alternative to Nexus, which has a dissapointing Black Friday sale discount.
  20. I'm gonna be a party pooper and be a bit more serious and ignore the tongue-in-cheek nature of this topic. It's a good thing. Larry posts deals I kinda found out myself, but he always finds that extra 5% or extra $10 off. I'll stick to my wishlist, so no deals for me which are not on there. So i know what I'm looking for, Larry is there to guide me to the best price. He is that light that shines on a crossing to light the correct path.
  21. I've been looking for the Omega bundle for quite a while now. Are there any opinions on those?
  22. They have a synth (Generate), I have that one too. So I didn't know if that would count towards the crossgrade price. But the Elevate bundle seemed like the most logical qualifier. Maybe @telecode 101 could tell us which products he has, as his crossgrade seems to be higher?
  23. $29.40 crossgrade, I guess from the Elevate bundle?
  24. I have Canopener and Good dither. Can recommend them both. Very useful tools. I'm looking at the Vulf compressor now.
  25. They should be up now. AD2, here I come. Still not shure which version I will take.
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