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Everything posted by synkrotron

  1. Perhaps we should consider not using double, treble, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, heptuple, octuple posts when racing for the TOTP? Or is that me just being bitter?
  2. I don't know the official answer because I haven't poured over the manual, but I am guessing that your C9 clip overlaps the Gm7 clip. I just tried this and it certainly appear to be the case.
  3. Yeah, @scook, having checked my CbB preferences I couldn't find anything that would affect import of .mid files, so I deducted the above. It's probably in the manual somewhere but that involves reading! cheers andy
  4. Hi Richard, I downloaded the linked MIDI file. When I play it with a media player, like you say, there is a tempo change. If I then drag the .mid file into a blank CbB project I get two tracks, not one, and the project's default tempo of 120BPM is not changed. I perhaps need to check my import settings. I then dragged the same file into REAPER and, again, I get two tracks, not one, and there is a tempo map associated with the .mid file. I then tried right clicking on the .mid file in Windows Explorer and chosing "Open with > Cakewalk application," and this time I get a project with two tracks, again, and there is also a tempo change. If you open Views>Tempo (Alt+Shift+5) you can see the tempo map there, and can edit it:- cheers andy
  5. Having dwelt on my posts here I have to admit that I have been a bit of an unreasonable arse and would sincerely like to apologise to @Hidden Symmetry and @cclarry and, indeed, anyone else I may have pissed off.
  6. Might be free to you but for me it is full price and therefore not a deal.
  7. But I think it is fair to say, Michael, that many would consider the use of the words, "MIDI pack," would imply that MIDI files, that is, .mid files, are what comes in that pack.
  8. I have heard back from Toontrack and, unfortunately, you need either EZ Drummer or Superior drummer to play the so called "MIDI Packs." Not sure why they are called MIDI packs then...
  9. I've posted on their MIDI Pack Pre-sales forum... I will report back...
  10. Thanks, @Grem, might be worth dropping them a line, just to check. I am hoping that they can be used as a plain old MIDI file... cheers andy
  11. Hmmm... Yes, good price, but I have Guitar Rig... Must resist!
  12. Okay, interest piqued, although I normally stay away from MIDI or audio loops as I prefer to bake my own. Question is, and I think I already know the answer, these are just .MID files, right? I don't have, and do not want any of the EZ Drummer options as my weapons of choice are Battery and my Alesis DM5. So I should be able to drag the .MID files supplied into my projects and go from there. I fancy doing some prog metal/electronic/ambient fusion stuff cheers andy
  13. When are we starting TOPT and Best Answer? Sorry if this has been axed be four...
  14. Got to be honest, I looked at the numbers while spec'ing up my new workstation and decided that, regardless of what might be sensible, that I wanted my NVMe drive as the OS drive. I don't really use samples much anyway but if I did I suppose I could look into a second NVMe drive or changing some things around in my current setup. Nothing is cast in stone, I don't think...
  15. Like you say, @razor7music, it becomes second nature... I don't even think, "I'll just do a Ctrl+S at this point." As a result I probably save more than autosave... A small story, to explain my Ctrl+S "habit." I use AutoCAD in my profession. Some applications that piggyback onto AutoCAD reference an external database. Having autosave on doesn't help because the external database only gets saved during a "Save" or Ctrl+S command. So if a session crashes for some reason you cannot "rescue" the autosave file because it will be out of sync with the AutoCAD file. So autosave is turned off and woe betide anyone who says, "oops, I've just lost an hour's work because AutoCAD just crashed..." So, yeah, it is kind if ingrained into my DNA now... Do something, Ctrl+S. Look out of the window, Ctrl+S. Boss asks, "how's things?" Ctrl+S
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