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Everything posted by synkrotron

  1. Really? WAV files are "lossless." The next question is, of course, 16 bit or 24 bit. And after that it is 44.1kHz or 48kHz If size is a problem then I would still recommend 24 bit rather than 16 bit. I'll let the experts explain why but, generally, it's all to do with "headroom." I ain't a pro, so 44.1kHz sampling frequency suits me fine, but others may even go up to 92kHz and beyond.
  2. I'm sure the real Tom won't mind
  3. I think I should send you a drone piece so that you can noodle over the top. Sounds boring but, you never know, you might enjoy it
  4. I also have hibernate turned off, even on my two laptops. I prefer a full shut down every time. Not sure why... Reason lost in the anus of time.
  5. Thanks, Craig, and interesting insight. The question I asked, and you quoted was,
  6. I see. I was interested to hear that a recording professional is using Cakewalk as their multi-tracker. Thanks.
  7. I'm curious, why MP3 files? Poor internet connection?
  8. Every day is a School Day, as the old saying goes
  9. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you use for recording all that hardware?
  10. I know, but nothing lasts forever...
  11. I tend to agree with you, Larry. As a REAPER user also, clip looping is on by default, which is handy
  12. I'm sure we're safe, Oscar, for the time being
  13. Absolutely. Definitely, in my experience. And what about effects? I have some VST effects that cannot be replaced with a hardware version...
  14. Pictures, or it didn't happen...
  15. Okay Larry, So, Samplitude does the "D" thing to duplicate too? I was thinking it was Studio One, which does the same
  16. I get the VST3 crash, as mentioned above. Works fine in my other DAW...
  17. Hi Oscar I'm pretty sure that Cakewalk does not do this. I remember coming across this "feature" when trying at the same DAW as you, after the demise of SONAR, and it was certainly new to me back then. That said, I am not up to speed with all the Cakewalk enhancements so hopefully someone with more experience will confirm. However, if you select a clip and turn on "Groove-Clip Looping" this will at least let you drag out a clip over the required number of bars, or whatever. And, in a way, I actually prefer this. cheers andy
  18. Thank you Kenny Mmmm... Well, as I am not a very good player and don't know much about sound, tone, and that kind of stuff, I can't really say. I like it, I think it sounds really nice. It has a five position switch, bass, bass/mid, mid, mid treble, treble, as expected and I tend to use either just the bass or the treble. It also has a tapping on the treble pickup which is selected by lifting up the tone knob. Also, I rarely use an amp and rely on Guitar Rig for my sounds, so, again, I'm probably not the best person to ask. Action is good, although I took it to a guitar tech shortly after purchasing it because of some annoying fret buzz when playing high up the neck on the top two strings. I really should pick it up more.......
  19. I could probably spend the rest of my life only listening to artists that are NOT signed. There is a wealth of great material out there now...
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