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Everything posted by synkrotron

  1. Control + S is my preference... I disable autosave on every piece of software I have/use both as an amateur and a professional. I much rather have control over saving stuff than having software do that for me and, in some instances, cause a crash. But, each to their own, as the saying goes.
  2. Neither had I, although I obviously recognised the song titles in that news piece. I would have thought that more, here, would have though. I'm just not into pop music...
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-47691705
  4. Hi Jim, Apologies for sounding a bit of a sound card snob, but for that sort of money I'd rather stick with a USB audio interface. cheers andy
  5. Yes, most interesting for sound design work... Right up my alley, in fact. Thanks for the heads-up @cclarry
  6. Thinking about it, I suppose it isn't that easy to release demo's of sample based stuff, other than a much reduced set of samples. But even that would help me because it isn't the samples I am bothered about, it's that playing/strumming engine.
  7. Following that link, Key Suite is currently listed at €149
  8. Thanks, @cclarry I suppose that, if it is free, I should at least install UVI Workstation first. Waiting to hear back from @Audio Plugin Deals about if it is possible to trial the package first.
  9. hi, Forgive me, I know nothing about UVI Workstation. Is this something that you need in addition to all your guitar stuff, similar to Kontact? Or is your Guitar Bundle stand alone? How does it work? I am reasonably impressed with your YouTube examples but I have A|A|S Strum, which is a similar tool but based on physical modelling rather than samples. I have struggled to get any decent results from Strum and I am wondering, is it me, or the "engine." Is it possible to download a demo of this bundle in order to try it out? cheers andy
  10. FWIW, I think the vocal in this song is okay. It's Never late... Different singer, different style, but, again, okay. I'm not expert... Couldn't write a "song" to save my life but from what I have heard so far you just need to work on arrangement, possibly. Like I said, I have no idea what I'm talking about and just wanted to say, vocals okay. Trickster has just started, while I am typing and thinking what to say. A bit quiet this one, compared to the other two. So you perhaps need to work on final mix and master and work towards a typical loudness level for your tunage. I would recommend having a look this, if you are not up to speed with loudness and stuff yet:- https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/what-is-lufs-and-why-should-i-care/ Or do a search on LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale) That shouldn't mean much... Lots of great and professional free VST instruments and effects out there... cheers andy
  11. As discussed here last week:- Interesting. First thing I do is get rid of all my key bindings except for just a few. I got fed up with hitting a "hotkey" by mistake and having to undo what ever it did. Can't say it has ever caused me any problems over the years.
  12. I appear to have joined the old forum back in 2006. What version was that? I know I definitely jumped on V5 and shortly after V6 came out. If I miss anything then it was the old Songs forum. I was quite active there, unfortunately for some.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up @Hidden Symmetry This update fixed an issue I had with not being able to scan the VST3 version.
  14. Everyone so far has missed this in the OP:- Perhaps Mr Norton could provide some details on his setup. Might not need 128 channels. 32 might do, or even sixteen. Or perhaps I should just get me coat...
  15. Isn't using a sub-mix prior to going into your main mixer a bit of a backward step though? Or am I not understanding stuff here?
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